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Friday 18th March

Niall pushed through the glass panelled doors with a shaky breath. The Brick Maker's Arms was a pub he had spent too many hours in, getting smashed and completely losing control. And now that he felt that he was in a better frame of mind, he felt an apology was necessary. Terry, the short bald man who owned the pub, was slightly wary of the blonde man coming back in his pub; he pushed his thick framed glasses further up his nose and smiled.

"Afternoon, what can I get you?" He asked, furrowing his brow when Niall completely ignored his question,

"I'm sorry for what trouble I have been over the past month or so; I-" He stopped himself, breathing out slowly, "I was stressed and traumatised, getting drunk was the only way I could think of to handle it, and I'm sorry for getting so violent; threatening Liam was not something I am proud of, is he here?"

"He's cleaning tables round the corner, go talk to him over there. Thank you," Terry said earnestly, the change in Niall was apparent by the way he held himself and the way he looked at everything, he was no longer on edge and the dark purple bags under his eyes had diminished. Niall nodded with a small smile, turning on his heel and slowly making his way to the restaurant part of the pub. He noticed Liam almost immediately, the lad wearing his apron round his waist with the uniform black shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. He had a Dettol spray in one hand and a wipe in the other as he scrubbed at a wine stain. Niall cleared his throat, Liam snapping his head up to look at him.

"Oh, uh, hello," He stumbled out, standing up straight to face the blonde.

"Hi. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for attacking you," The pale man winced, remembering how violent he got, "I don't know if you remember, but you're the reason I met Zayn and I want to thank you for that, without him I would've smashed the stool on your face without batting an eyelid." Niall confessed, seeing Liam's face contort into that of confusion and knowing,

"It's alright," He coughed, "You look a lot better now, which is good," Niall nodded, "I'm glad you met Zayn, he was so quiet and shy before you guys got together. He wouldn't be in the job he is nor would he be half as happy as he is without you," Liam brought up, Niall's lips slipping into a grin,

"I remember," He noted, "He was sat by himself at that party you had and I went and sat on his lap and got him drunk,"

"Yeah," Liam chortled, "I need to get back to work, but we should really catch up some time; haven't really seen you since sixth form,"

"Of course," Niall smiled, "What's your number?" He asked, pulling out his phone and tapping in the digits as Liam called them out. "I'll be sure to call,"


When Zayn arrived home, he had expected Niall to be watching TV or lazing in their room; not watching all their home videos from a few weeks after they started dating. The one on the screen was from when Niall was probably nineteen and Zayn eighteen, a good few years ago,

"What happened last night, babe?" Niall's slightly higher pitched voices sounded, the camera being held shakily by the blonde as he filmed Zayn cooking in his boxers,

"Niiiiiii," Zayn whined, turning to face his beau from where he was stood at the cooker. Niall paused it, turning to face Zayn

"That was when we first had sex, wasn't it?" He questioned, looking back at the screen. He noticed how much older Zayn looked now, in the video he looked as though he could only gain stubble if he didn't shave for a month, whereas now the man gained more every day. His jaw was far more defined now and his cheekbones sharper.

"Yeah," Zayn hummed, watching as Niall used his shaking right hand to un-pause the screen.

"You finally got that dick of yours up my ass!" Niall cheered, turning to camera to face him as he pulled Zayn into him. "Whoo! Go Zayn's dick!"

"Niall!" Zayn exclaimed, laughing and reaching for the camera to turn it off. The screen went black and Niall chuckled, standing up. Zayn watched him closely, the blonde approaching him awkwardly.

"How was work?" He asked, leaning over to kiss his spouse, something he hadn't realised how much he missed until that morning.

"It was alright, what have you been up to?" Zayn mumbled, placing a hand on Niall's bony hip,

"Went to the pub and apologised; had a chat with Liam." Niall murmured, capturing Zayn's lips in his own once again. Zayn felt the bubbles of love pop and float through his body. "Come on, let's watch." Niall grinned, pulling Zayn by the wrist over to the couch.


Zayn felt almost on cloud nine that night, Niall was asleep in their bed for the first time in a year and a few months. He almost cried with joy, brushing his teeth and humming a happy tune as he went.

It's a shame he didn't notice the small jar of pills on the shelf that Niall's doctor had prescribed him.


An: two updates in two days?? Whaaaaat!

Anyway, i know it's short but i hope you all like it.

35 comments for a new chapter, ya'll commented loaaads on the last one so thanks!



Read 'Out Loud' or 'Skittles'

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