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Saturday 18th February

Niall's father, Robert 'Bobby' Horan, had organised a lunch at the local golf club, a place he and his son spent many hours over the past fifteen years or so. Zayn had agreed, notifying the positive family of Niall's change in personality and lesser show of emotions. Maura, Niall's mother, had nodded and smiled at Zayn telling him how that was perfectly fine and that it couldn't be that bad. Zayn had nodded at this, not wanting to tell the woman how he had refused to sleep in the same bed as him or even sit within a two meter range when eating.

Conan, who was fourteen when Niall left, was probably the most understanding. The fifteen year old brunette patted Zayn on the shoulder, remembering how sinister and unforgiving his brother had looked when Zayn was bawling at his feet. The thought of Zayn, the fragile boy he had met five years prior, living with the seemingly heartless blonde was something he didn't want to imagine. It hurt his heart to know that Niall, the boy who had shown the three year old Conan the guitar he got for his twelfth birthday with so much excitement, who had taught him to ride a bike and always let his sleep in his bed on the night before Christmas in the hope they would be able to hear Santa together, had become someone unrecognisable.

He had no doubt those were only memories, and the idea of something that wonderful happening was hopeless and a miles away from reality.

When Zayn woke up exactly a week after Niall's return, it's not to the sound of the alarm he set the night before, but the sound of screaming from the room opposite. He immediately threw the soft duvet off his body and stumbled towards Niall's room, his hazy eyes barely making out the dark shapes of his room, the man tripping clumsily on his journey.

"Niall?" He whispered, pushing the door open lightly. If you listened close enough, you could hear Zayn's heart snapping in two and crumbling to the floor at the sight of his husband. Niall was curled in a ball, his body wedged between the chest of draws and the wall, his hands over his ears and his eyes clenched shut as he rocked back and forth screaming deafeningly loud. He stared for a moment at the blonde, taking in the sight of his distressed husband. "Oh god, Ni." Zayn mutters, slowly walking towards the corner.

Another blood curdling scream erupted from Niall as he began to shake violently, knocking his fragile shoulders against the thick wall and the wooden chest of draws. Zayn gently slid his hand underneath the blonde's thin legs, the other on his back as he dragged him from the small space, immediately lifting him into his arms and carrying him to the bed.

His bright blue eyes remained shut, shaky breaths slipped through his pinkish lips, his body still shaking. Slowly rocking Niall on his lap, Zayn seemed in control of the situation, and maybe that would help calm Niall, but on the inside he was falling apart, wanting to cry out and have his old Niall back, the Niall he had cherished for years.


Hours later, after each having a long shower to calm them down, and a new feeling of trust settling between the two, they arrived at the Horan's family home. Zayn carefully opened the car door for Niall, not wanting to startle him with any sudden movements like he had earlier when taking the blondes plate. They walked to the door one behind the other, which was unusual compared to the way they used to always be so close wherever they went.

Conan opened the door quietly, smiling awkwardly at the pair. Niall brushed past his brother and entered the house, knocking his shoulder forcefully on the door frame but not flinching as the short thud made Zayn wince at the sight.

"Oh, Niall! How wonderful it is to see you," Maura exclaimed, pulling her son into a warm hug, one that he didn't respond to, he clenched his eyes shut and took a deep breath, sensing that it was inappropriate to push her away and run for safety. "Bobby! Niall and Zayn are here!" She called out, seeing her partner emerge from the living room with a wide smile.

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