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Friday, 24th July // Twelve years later (Niall- 34 Zayn -35 Liam- 34)

Zayn's tanned arms flexed as he carried the shy lad through the town square. The little lad's head buried in his father's neck, his bright green eyes flicking up at his surroundings warily as he was transported towards the school.

"You're going to Brett's party after school, babe," Zayn mumbled into his son's ear, "You ve my phone number in your bag if you need me." He mentioned, stroking the back of Todd's head as he walked, the tiny four year old nodding along in return.


5:26 PM, Brett's fifth birthday party, Parents are arriving to collect their kids.

Liam Payne holds the hand of his husband with a grin as his eyes land on his son, the small blond bundle of joy shoving piles of cake in a smaller boy's mouth.

"You grab Jack, I'll get his coat," Liam's husband muttered, disappearing toward the sack of small coats and shoes. Liam smiled at him and set off toward his son,

"Hi, Jackie, who's this?" Liam smiled, crouching down beside his son and the by whose big green eyes were scanning him slowly,

"This Todd Malik, he's in my class," Jack grinned, hugging the littler lad with a small force, not wanting to hurt the frail boy.

"Malik?" Liam murmured, a picture of his old friend, Zayn, popping into his mind for the first time in years, his husband's ex-husband's well sculpted face flashing thorugh his mind. Now that he thought about it, the little lad had a strong resemblance to the man.

"Papa," Todd mumbled, looking across the room at his father, who had just entered the house, and was chatting to Jasmine's mum. Slowly, Todd stood up, shakily taking a few steps forward, like a baby deer. Jack sprung to his side, being visibly a few inches taller and considerably more stable on his feet, holding the lad's shoulder with one hand. "Want Papa," He whispered to the blond before pointing to his dad, who noticed his son and quickly finished his conversation, speeding over to swoop the boy inot his arms.

"Hello there, mister," He smiled, "Were you walking little man?"

"He did!" Jack answered, Zayn smiling down at him happily, "He took like five steps! Dadddy saw, daddy tell Todd's Papa that he was walking!" The blonde sunshine points to Liam, who was crouched a few feet away, Zayn's eyes tralleing to the familiar man,

"Liam?" He asked, "Liam Payne," he smiled this time, "Long time no see,"

"Yeah, Zayn Malik," Liam breathed, "Didn't expect to see you here," The boy in Zayn's arms shuffled into a comfortable position, watching his Papa happily, "He walked, by the way,"

"He did? That's great, Todd," Zayn cooed, hugging his son tight. "We'll get you those braces soon, a little bit more growing first, though," Todd had very weak muscles in his body, his legs being severely affected. He could only move around when using a lot of energy and preferred to be carried, his weak legs meaning he has trouble walking, even at four, and his small frame making him weak and not yet big enough for the special leg braces that act as support for the muscles and bones.

Niall watched from across the room, seeing the way Zayn interacted with his son and Jack, how happy he was. Not wanting to dampen the mood, Niall waits by the wall, and Jack's little orange coat in his hand.


The Brick Maker's Arms, 12:04 PM, Lunch break meet up

Liam took the seat opposite his sixth form friend, a smile on his face as the bearded man took a sip of his beer.

"Are you married? I don't see a ring," the chocolate eyed man asked, resting his large hands on the table in front of him,

"Uh, no. I never really dated anyone after Niall; don't want to end up heart broken. Todd was from a surrogate, so it's just us two." Zayn said, nodding to himself, "What about you?"

"I'm married," Liam mentioned, stretching the back of his head lightly before finishing his sentence, "To, uh, Niall,"

And Zayn nodded solemnly,

"How is he?"

"He's okay. Had therapy for a few years after you two split, but he's okay now." Liam breathed, "He was so broken, and you left him. He hasn't got over it completely,"

Then Zayn left the room.


An: So it has ended. This is the end of 'war'.

I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am going to edit and re-write it completely at some point as there are so many loop holes in the plot and errors.

Thank you so much to everyone that has voted, commented and read. I don't think there will be a sequel but I have another Ziall book and two Larrys on my profile if you are looking for something to read.

Lots of Love,


Also hi to Nynke !

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