Chapter 12, I want to join the Serpents, Jug

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Betty's Point Of  View:

It had been a week since we all went to the Wyrm, I had had plenty fun that night and so had the others. I had some time to really deeply think about what I want, and separate it from what my mom wants, or what my family wants, and I realised I want to be me. I want to go out with my friends late at night, I want to have fun and feel free. Feel the wind blowing down on me as I ride on the back of Jug's motorcycle, feel the passion in our kisses, feel like its me and my friends against the world, I want to feel happy. I want to have a family, people I can trust and count on. People who like me for me. Like the Serpents. 

Oh shit. Did I- do I- wow. I admitted it. I want to join the Serpents. 

I decide to sleep on it and really think about it, make sure I am making the right decision, make sure I will be happy with it because, if not I would be letting the Serpents down big time, and they don't deserve someone to quit because they didn't think things through. 

When I woke up in the morning the first thought that came across my mind was, 'I NEED to be a Serpent.' I know it sounds needy, but it feels like my destiny. Like I was born for it, like it was my future, my home. I called Jug and asked him to come over this morning and he gladly accepted. I am going to tell him right now. Jughead walks into my room with a big smile, "hey beauty" he says, "hey Jug, I- I need to tell you something" His face drops, for a moment I think he is going to walk out of my room and never come back but, instead he sits down beside me on my bed and puts his hand on my shoulder, "you can tell me anything." "I want to join the Serpents, Jug" I tell him. "Wow, um- are you sure that's what you want?" He asks well caressing my shoulder with his hand, "yes. I slept on it and I think my decision it final" "you think?" he asks, "no. no. I know my decision is final." I confirm. "OK good because once you do this there is no going back." He says well comforting me, "I know Jug, I know. I just feel like it's where I belong." "If that's how you feel then I say of course, I would love to have you by my side." He says well grinning. "By your side? What do you mean?" I ask him confused. "Uhm- uh nothing. Forget it, but yes, I would love for you to join the Serpents, and I know god damn well Toni would too" He tells me well leaning in. I smile and kiss him, it's a small peck and when we pull away we both smile at each other. "I am so lucky" I say to him, "Mhm" He agrees well pulling me in for another kiss. 

Jughead's Point Of  View:

I've known for a while now. I've known but haven't done anything about it yet. I don't know what to do about it. Tell her, wait, is it too soon, will she care, will she get mad? What am I supposed to do. 

I tell Betty I have to use the bathroom just so I can get out of there for a minute. Once I get into the bathroom I pull out my phone from my pocket and start pacing around the bathroom. I click on Fang's number and press 'call.'

*on the phone*

F: Jughead? What's up?

J: Fangs, I uhm- I need to tell you something. But not now, not here. Can you meet me at pop's at 6 tonight? It's urgent. 

F: Yeah dude, I'll be there. 

J: Thanks man, see ya.

F: Yeah bye.

*hangs up*

Once I hang up I let out a breath that I didn't realise I had been holding in, I flush the toilet and run the tap so it sounds like I used the bathroom, I walk back over to Betty's room and sit back on her bed. "So.. what do you want to do today?" She asks me with a smile, "not sure, I am going to pop's with Fangs at 6 for dinner though, I should be back around 7 if that's ok." I tell her, "yeah, yeah of course." She replies. "Want to watch a movie, and order pop's breakfast?" I ask her. She giggles, "please" I pull out my phone and call pop's, I order a 2 person breakfast meal. It comes with 2 eggs, 4 pancakes, bacon and sausage and toast. It was only 21 dollars which I am surprised about. "I ordered it, they say it will be ready and dropped off in 10 minutes, for now what do you want to watch?" I ask her well pulling out the computer, "how about... To All The Boys I've Loved Before?" She grins, "pleaseeee! The third one just came out and I really want to watch it!!" "Fine, we will start it after the breakfast gets here." I tell her, "ok, thank you!" She laughs. "Your welcome babe" "oooh babe, since when?" she asks me, grinning. "Well, I like it, do you?" I smirk, "very much, babe" she replies, I laugh and kiss her, then I hear the door bell ring, I pull away and smile, "breakfast is here!!" 

*time jump to 6, because why not. also they spent all day in bed watching movies, for your information* 

I drive over to Pop's on my motorcycle at 5:50, I get there around 6 to see Fangs at a table sitting, waiting for me. "Hey Fangs, thanks again for coming on such short notice, it's just, I need to get something off my chest and I think your the best person to tell it too." I say well taking a seat across from him, "ok, what's up?" he replies curiously. "well..." I start. 

Ok, it's time Jughead. This will be your first time saying it out loud. Are you ready? No. Are you going to do it? Yes. Are you nervous? Very. 

"I love Betty" 

Holy shit. It's out. I said it. What do I do? What's going to happen now?

"Wow, uhm" Fangs starts before I cut him off, "what is it too soon? what if she doesn't feel the same way? Oh god, why didn't I just leave this all be" "No Jug, it's not too soon, I'm just shocked I guess." He replies, "wh-why?" I say eagerly. "Well your Jughead Jones, that bad ass, school player, from the Southside. I didn't think you would ever truly love someone, no offence." He says, "none taken, but what do I do now? should I tell her?" I ask, "yes, it's how you feel and it's important, but do it romantically, take her somewhere nice, show her a good time. and-" Fangs says, "-but what if she doesn't love me back?" I cut him off. "I was trying to say, and if she doesn't feel the same way, don't rush her, don't rush it. But- I highly doubt she doesn't feel the same way." He adds, "what do you mean?" "well, the way she looks at you, talk about you, it's something Jughead, something stronger than a stupid crush." Fangs tells me. I feel my cheeks getting hotter by the second, "wait what do you mean, 'the way she talks about me'?" "Well she obviously talks about you, she talks about you to the girls no doubt, and Kevin, and Kevin tells me. So yeah, she talks about you. And... I know it all" Fangs adds well winking at me. I chuckle, "wow" "yeah, so are you going to tell her?" "yes, soon. I just need to think of something to do for her before I say it." I say well trying to think of something, "good, and let me know what happens when you do it, and don't forget to tell me when your doing it too" Fangs says well smirking. "Thanks man" I take a bit out of my burger that I had forgotten I ordered, which is unusual for me. It's actually cold, weird. 

After we ate at pop's we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, I went back to Betty's, he went to his, when I got to Betty's it was around 7:30. I knocked on the door and heard someone shout "come in." So, I walked inside and took my shoes off, I saw Betty sitting on the couch waiting for me, "hey babe" she says with a smirk. "hey.." I say confused on where this is going. She slowly pulls the blanket that she had on top of her to reveal her body, in a white lingerie set. "are you still hungry?" she asks me seductively. "definitely" I say well charging at her with a huge smile, she giggles and runs up stairs to her bedroom with me, following behind her. 

This is going to be one wild night. 

1547 words not including ⬇️

Thank you so much for all the reads, I hope you enjoyed this part! I can't wait for this story to come together as one!!

Have a good night/day/ whenever you're reading this!

Also, I hope the editing is okay, I edited it during class so.. aha. 

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