Chapter 15, Forever

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*I decided to do a time jump into the future since this is the last chapter!*

Narrator's Point Of View:

It was 7 years into the future, Betty was officially crowned as the Serpent Queen years ago, Jughead and her have been leading them since. Their relationship has been very strong for all those years, of course they have fought but all couples do, last year they got married, on the beach they discovered when Jughead took her for a trip. It was a beautiful ceremony, with of course Toni as Betty's bridesmaid, and Veronica right beside her. Then of course Cheryl. Jughead has Fangs as his groomsmen considering he was the reason Betty and Jughead got together in the first place, then Sweet Pea and Kevin. They travelled around on Jughead's motorcycle for their honeymoon as Betty loved riding with him. The two had a hotel booked in Paris where Jughead got Betty pregnant, they were so happy when they found out they were having a baby girl. Jughead was having baby fever making him go and buy anything he can for their baby, even if they didn't need it, or already had it. 

The time had come when Betty was ready. Her water broke and Jughead drove her over to the hospital, in a car they bought obviously. Betty didn't think it would hurt as much as it did but she did it anyway, she persevered for her and her husbands baby girl. "Juliet" Betty said as she held her baby for the first time, with her eyes teary. Jughead and Betty had decided on the name Juliet a few weeks ago, and loved it since. Jug held his baby in awe, he held her close to his chest and whispered in her ear, though he knew she wouldn't understand. "I will always protect you and your mommy. Always and forever."

The married couple and their baby moved into a nice home, in Riverdale. Center of it all. 

And that brings us to where we are today, Juliet's first birthday. 

Betty's Point Of  View:

It was my beautiful baby girl's first birthday today. She was finally one years old, time has flown since she arrived. It feels like just yesterday I was in the hospital pushing for her life. We invited Toni, Veronica, Cheryl, Fangs, Kevin, and Sweet Pea.. so in other words, we invited the whole gang, as Juliet was so young she didn't have any friends yet. My mom came over as well, happy to see Juliet. 

My mom has been coming around slowly but surely. She still isn't all happy with the Serpents but she knows it's important to me so she is starting to except it. She LOVES Juliet though, and it makes me so happy to see her being all nice and sweet to Jules, considering I never had that side of her when I was younger. 

"Hey Betty" My mom said as she walked in with a gift bag in her hand, she walked over to me and kissed my cheek, "where do you want me to put this?" she asked, gesturing to the gift in her hand. "Right here works" I tell her pointing to the table. Someone sneaks up from behind me and puts their hand around my waist, I have gotten so use to the feeling that it doesn't scare me anymore. "Hey babe" I say well turning around and kissing Jughead. "Hey" He says well kissing me back. "Where's Jules?" I ask him. "Veronica is up there, said she wanted to change her." Jug chuckles. I laugh, "yep, that's Veronica for you." I see Veronica carrying my precious Juliet down the stairs, in a brand new outfit Veronica bought. "Juless!" I say with excitement, making her smile. "Thanks Veronica" I say as I pull Juliet into my arms, smiling widely, looking down at my gorgeous baby. "Anytime, you know I love Jules" Veronica says well looking down at her. When everyone arrived we all sat down in the living room, Juliet's on the floor crawling around and smiling at everyone she meets eyes with. Toni sits beside me and pulls me in for a hug, "she's beautiful, just like her momma." I laugh and nod. She sure is beautiful. 

Jughead's Point Of  View:

Juliet is gorgeous, pure beauty. My girls mean the world to me. They are my world. I couldn't ask for anything more other than having my beautiful wife, and precious daughter by my side forever. That's all I will ever want. 

When Toni gets up I scoop in beside Betty and kiss her, "hey there" I say well smiling. "hey" she says in return. I wrap my arm around her and let her lean into me some more, I can tell she's tired and not going to lie, I would be to. "Do you want me to get you a drink?" She nods, "a coffee would be great." I unwrap myself from her body and kiss her cheek, I walk over to the kitchen and start to boil the water. 

Later we all decide to do the gifts and cake, as Jules is getting tired. When we finished it all Betty went upstairs to put Juliet to sleep, considering her and Toni were the only people that could manage to do so. Sweet Pea looks at me, "you lucked out man" I laugh, "yeah, I sure did." 

Shortly after Betty came down and we all talked, quietly of course. Later everyone decided to leave and said their goodbyes. Betty shut the door and locked it behind them, she walks over to the couch and cuddles back up into my chest, falling asleep. 

My life is complete, I'm married to the love of my life, who is in fact The Serpent Queen, I have a beautiful daughter, and amazing friends. That's all I will ask for in life, to keep it all. Forever. 


1058 words not including ⬇️

Omg I finished it. No way. I'm literally screaming. I hope you all enjoyed this book, and if you did you should read my other book 'my love.' 

I'm actually shook, I tried writing my first au and just ended it. It feels like the end of an era, I love you all so much and thank you for all the support! 

Comments and votes are appreciated, as well as following! 


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