Chapter #16: Caught Red Handed? (Part 1)

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3:40 pm

The next morning, Chad and I didn't bring up the night terrors incident that much. I told him that I'd be there for him if he needed to talk, he told me that if it happened again I should just wake him up and he once again profusely apologized for lashing out (which he didn't need to apologize for, if I'm honest), I told him I loved him, slapped some makeup over the cut, and that was that. I'm fine with him wanting to move on from it but I just don't want him to feel like he's alone. I want him to know that I love him and I'll be by his side through anything, but I can't force him to talk to me about his feelings if he doesn't feel comfortable, all I can do is just make sure he knows that I'm there if he needs me.

I didn't have a lot of time to be too worried about the events of last night though, because during lunchtime, Chad's cousin Alanis texted him. Alanis had officially cracked the code.

We had our guy, and all it took was a thirteen-year-old girl with some hacking knowledge. Alanis Navarro, you are a lifesaver.

As much as I wanted to know during school hours, Chad told Alanis to meet us all at his house so she could talk to us in person and share everything she's found out. So the rest of the day was spent in agonizing anticipation, every single minute that passed I wanted to know more and more, in every class after lunch I couldn't focus on a word the teachers were saying, after today it would all be over. 

As much as I was happy to find out that we'd gotten our guy, at the same time I was dreading finding out. What if it's someone I trusted, someone I really thought had my back this whole time? What if I was going to lose someone that I considered a close friend because they did this to me? I had so many questions and only Alanis could answer them, but I wasn't sure whether I was mentally prepared to hear them.

Back at Chad's house, we all waited for Alanis to arrive. I stood by the front window, feeling a swarm of nervous butterflies fluttering around in the pit of my stomach, the nerves and anticipation had me shaking slightly, I could see my hand quiver in front of me. I stood with Chad's firm arm wrapped around me. As we waited, Chad took my hand in his and softly kissed me on the cheek, the shaking immediately stabilizing with his touch.

"How are you feeling?" he asked tenderly, stroking the back of my hand gently with his fingers.

"Happy we've caught them, dreading finding out who we've caught." I explained. "I have a question, by the way."

"Go for it, babe." he smiled.

"Can I sleep here for a few more nights?" I asked, holding his arm tighter around my waist, turning my head to face Chad, meeting the surprise in his eyes.

"Really? I mean, you're always welcome, but even after last night you still want to sleep here?" he asked, raising his brow and looking at me as though I'd just asked him to punch me in the face... well, again. 

"Actually, that's why I want to stay a few more days." I said, Chad's expression becoming more quizzical with every word I spoke. "After last night, I don't know, I just... I hate the idea of you having another nightmare and waking up alone. I wanna be there to calm you down and let you know it's okay."

Chad smiled sweetly and took my hand up to his lips, softly kissing it and pulling me in for a hug.

"That's really sweet, Cassie. But I don't want you worrying about me, I'm fine. I had a little blip last night, and I'm really sorry you had to see that, and I'm grateful that you let me get a few things off my chest that I've never gotten out, but I'll be okay." he caressed my cheek with his knuckles gently. If he was sure, I wasn't going to pry, but I know that Chad's good at masking how he really feels, I know he feels the need to protect people like me from seeing things that he doesn't want anyone to see. I guess after last night, I just want him to know how much I care.

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