Sly Moose

838 19 8

~Tori's POV~

I lean forward studying the hockey game on my TV. This really makes no sense how does anyone enj-


"Who is it?! Ok ok! I am coming! Calm down!" I rush over to the door, pissed off at whoever's ruining my date. I open the door-

"WHERE IS HE?!" A familiar blur of raven hair passes me

"HI" God I can't say no to Cat's adorable antics

"What are you guys- Ya know I don't remember saying come in!" The door slams shut as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Well I don't remember saying you could hog Moose!" Jade had venom in her voice as she growled at me. Did Trina leave the heater on again after her stupid yoga?

"Wh-what are you talking about!?" I'm genuinely confused as of why they think Moose would be here.

"oH mOoSe mY gOoDnESs i CeRtAInLy dO eNjOy A fInE gAmE oF HoCkEy!" Jade drawled in her southern accent she uses solely to antagonize me. I don't know if I hate or love it....

"oH pLeAse tAkE mE tO tHe hOcKeY gAmE mOoOoSe! i'M eVeR sO dEsPeRAtE!" Oh Cmon not Cat too!

"I DON'T TALK LIKE THAT!" Jesus Christ I'm too gay for this

"You have been hogging Moose and you know it!" Am I genuinely sweating over Jade?

"You Moose hogger!" I can't stay mad at Cat

"How can I hog a guy if he's not even here!?" I sound so exasperated

"Then where is he?!" Her tone changed slightly. It was no longer  dripping with so much venom it put an Inland Taipan (the worlds most venomous snake) to shame.

"He said he wanted to hangout with Beck." I replied simply

"I bet they're at Karaoke Doki right now." Jade sounded calm, Cat's eyes widened in realization.

"Because that's where the hamburgers are!"

I simply shrugged at them.

"Later!" Jade stomped out of my house. Cat at her heels

"Gator!" Cat gently closed the door behind her

I fall defeated onto a couch, exhaling deeply.

Emma walks out of the bathroom down to me. I jump right back onto my feet

"Hey I l-ike your bath-r-room!" She had such a sweet nervous voice, it did match her demeanor but not those neon eyes.

"Aw you do?" I was just as nervous as she was, but it's kinda cute in an odd way

"Y-your h-house is v-very n-nice!" There was a hot pink blush on her face, it contrasted with her eyes giving an almost hypnotic effect.

"You have beautiful eyes." I murmured, wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her closer. We were millimeters apart, I could feel her warm breath on my lips. Her gorgeous lime eyes fluttered shut-

"AHA! I KNE-" Cat's sentence dropped

"OH MY GOD YOU- were far from right." Jade's face was flushed

At the sound of Cat, Emma and I jumped apart. "How did you know someone was here?!" Shit shit shit!

"There was beef jerky! A boy's snack...or so I thought!" Cat jumps around the room while explaining. "You aren't wearing your glasses. And there was another indent on the couch!" Cat finished looking proud of herself,

Mine and Jade's jaws dropped in unison, while Emma gave an awkward goodnight and shuffled out.

~Jade's POV~

I unwillingly followed the short redhead in front me. We just left the room, what is this girl smoking to thiink he's-

"AHA! I KNE-" Cat's voice caused me to jump a little

"OH MY GOD YOU- were far from right." My face flush as I stepped around Cat to get a closer to see Vega freak out...but Moose wasn't there.

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