~Gay Penguins~

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~Jade's POV~

"I didn't think you swung that way Vega." I could feel the corners of my lips turn into a sinister smirk.

I've liked Vega for a while, but I mean look at her, even in her flustered state, she still looks gorgeous.

"I- er...This is awkward...uhum-" her face is redder than red, it's honestly so cute. Gotta get Cat out of here to talk to Vega...alone

"Cat! Car now! I need to talk to Vega...alone." My voice cracked through the silence like a shotgun, my smirk immediately turned into a snarl.

"Kay kay! Please don't kill Tori!" She squeaked and dashed out the door, Vega looked paler than me. I watch as her eyes dart around the room scoping out a quick escape.

I walk silently toward her, her face looks determined but her eyes give her away. Those chocolate eyes can never tell a lie, but there was something else there....as I got closer I noticed her large pupils. Odd it's Bright in here.

"Jade! Please don't tell anyone, I'm not ready to come out!" Tori's breakdown brought tears to my eyes, I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around her waist. What happened next is still suprising to me. I felt her lips on mine, she tasted like watermelon and I felt my knees go weak. It felt like I could fly!

She pulls away for air, "I erm...I- Wow." She stumbles over her words trying to act casual.

"Jeez Vega calm down! You make me feel like I'm a bad kisser!" I lean against her while laughing my ass off, this makes that beacon of a smile appear on her face.

We bolth stoped dead at the sound of the door opening, wait I recognize that grumbling.....OH NO NOT TRINA!


Look! Ash finally put out the new chapter! I've had a hard time finding motivation but hey I did it! Anyway I still have homework and school to deal with, as well as other things happening in my life. Anyway I'll do my best to make better time on the next chapter!

Fly high Dale Martin

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