Childish -chapter 5

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Tommy's POV: November 10th still

I helped dad clean up the broken glass on the kitchen floor, I threw the shards of glass in the trash and went to walk out

"Are you all ok?..." I herd my dad say, I turned around facing him

"Yea, I'm fine I don't know about the other though youd have to ask em"

my mind went back to tubbo grabbing onto my wrist, he was strong considering there is a light red mark around where his hand was.

"You know, you too, tubbo I mean. went through some similar things bud, You stopped going to therapy because you said they "pityed" you? Well maybe now theres somone you could talk to that would understand." He said with a sad smile "i know I dont understand but maybe now theres somone you can confide in, talk to about it, besides Wilbur?"

I looked at him with a blank expression,
Confide in someone? Ha please
Just because I opened up to my new family dosnt mean I trust them 100% yet, and it's been 2 years here almost 3, and I met this guy yesterday? Fuck that. Besides I dont exactly confide in will, when I'm upset he plays me music he usually doesn't know why I'm upset though.

I didn't say any of that though, instead I just nodded.

"Am I staying home today by the way?" I asked quickly.

"Yep!" My dad smiled.

I nodded walking from the kitchen to upstairs.

I went upstairs and saw tubbo sitting on his bed, he was holding a bee plushie I hadn't noticed before.

"Why do you have a bee plushie? Your what 16?" I said falling back onto my bed. He looked up surprised, I guess he didn't hear me walk in, what a idiot.

"Yea... but its comforting to have, you know?" He paused for a moment  "Something that cant leave..." he mumbled the last bit, but I heard it clearly.
I didn't respond I just sat up and looked at the boy who was looking at the plushie with a sad look.

"Childish huh..." he said looking back up at me.

I didn't say anything, I just kept staring we had our eyes locked and I for some reason couldn't look away.


Tubbos POV:

Are eyes were locked, I couldn't look away, it wasn't the same cold stare, hed been giving me, it was a look of both confusion and understanding.

His eyes had me locked there, I couldn't look away, it was like a dear caughtin headlights. But the headlightsare a prettyblue color, I was calm and for the first time in a few months I wasn't scared and nervous at every little thing around me. I was genuinely calm and relaxed.

But it didn't last long as he blinked looking away from me, breaking the eye contact, and ripping the feeling of safety away with his eyes.

"Whatever..." I heard him say under his breath. Progress? Maybe...


The next day  November 11th Tuesday

Me and phil had just gotten back from the store, only me and him went so I could get to know him more, we went so that I could get some stuff like bedding that in wanted, some more clothes, a phone, and just general items also he let me get plushie!

I'm really childish- I also got some book and school supplies, he even let me get a electric piano for my side of the room.

I got a black blanket for my bed with a thinner bee blanket to go over it, most the stuff I got was bee themed

As soon as we got back I grabbed my bags, leaving the electric piano, because phil said hed set it up later

And ran up to me and Tommy's room and walked in, there was another boy sitting next to Tommy, they both looked at me as I walked in.

So he was back from school then.

"Um... hi?" I said as I set my bag on my bed, then i turned to Tommy and the other boy

"Hey man" the boy next to Tommy said smiling, he looked to be maybe my age? He had mid length black hair and was wearing a black beanie, blue Jean's and a pale blue coat over a white tshirt with 2 black stripes across it.

"I'm Alex, but prefer Quakity" he said looking at me

"I'm tubbo" I said looking at Tommy who rolled his eyes.

"Nice to meet you" I said with a smile.


"Big Q? Hey can we finish this?" Tommy said cutting the man off.

"Of sure Thomasssss" the way the man said Tommy's name made him laugh.

I sat on my bed, I didn't wanna put my stuff up yet since I did wanna bother them, I just looked at my new phone and listened to music with headphones.

After a while, Tommy's friend left, and I was back to being alone with the only guy in this house that hated me.

I don't even know what I did? Phill said he was trust issues, I do to but I don't usely very obviously glare at people and make them uncomfortable


I ignored the very obvious glare I was getting and began decorating my side of the room.

*part 6 comes out right after this!

894 words*

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