It's Time to See

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"You've gone on like this for too long, Anti"


It's been a few weeks now since their return to him.

"Too long. When you know the answer is right in front of you."

"What do you mean?" Anti was back in the attic.

Looking out the window, he could see the front yard.

"You know what I mean. You just don't want to believe it"

Anti turned towards the voice only to blink.

And suddenly he was outside in the front yard looking up at the attic from below.

"You know what happened. The truth . . .. "

Anti turned again towards the source.

His doppelganger was sitting on a small dirt mound in the front yard. A shovel laying across his lap.

"Eventually you'll have to see"

Anti was about ready to curse him out when he stopped.

His breathing hitched.

His heart nearly stopped.

A hand was poking out of the dirt behind the other version of himself.

A hand . . . . . with a ring band on it.

Anti's breathing suddenly became labored, thinking about what could have happened. Who was this person?! Why was he seeing him all of a sudden? What in the hell was he talking about!?

"I . . . .I-"

The doppelganger looked so understanding, though. So unlike him. It couldn't have been exactly himself, right?

"I'm your conscious, Anti." he spoke, "And it's time . . you need. . . . . to see the truth"

Anti fell back on the grass underneath him, covering his mouth. He shut his eyes, trying to believe he was elsewhere.

"You've buried it so deep in your head, Anti . . . . . it's time to dig it out and you know it"

Once Anti opened his eyes again, he was on the couch in the living room.

Marvin was there along with Jameson looking at him strangely.


Marvin shrugged, "Nothing, man . . . it's just . . Geez. You must have had one hell of a nightmare"

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