"Deacon?" I ask sitting up and finding him nowhere around. I push open the bathroom door but he's not there either. A creaaaaak sounds and my necklace starts to hum. I hear a drop and I quickly duck behind the counter and push all the way back against the wall.

"Christinaaa." I freeze at the voice and panic as footsteps sound.

"We know you're in here darling." He hisses as another pair of footsteps sound.

No, that's not Theo- he doesn't ever travel with anyone else. Someone else is here, and they're not alone.

"Christinaaaaa." I push farther back against the wall as footsteps sound as they come into the bathroom.

"You can't hide forever." The lights slam off and I panic. Not being able to see anything I can only listen as the footsteps move closer and closer to me.

"Let's play a little game. I count to five and you run. You ready? 1.. 2.. 3..-

I feel around for anything I can use and I grip hold of a loose medal rod I had found the other day here and grip it.

"4.. 5.."

I jump up and swing blindly through the dark until suddenly my necklace starts to hum and light folks the room. I find myself surrounded not by one or two but four men, two of them squatted to the ground blood dripping from their mouthes.

"There you are." One hisses and lunges at me. I scream and swing the rod connecting it to his head. He flies back and I duck as something slams at me from behind. I jump up and spin in a circle as they all start to move in on me.

"You should've run."

I scream as I'm grabbed from behind and thrown out of the room.

"Deacon!" I cry knowing he won't hear me.

"You're mother got you free the other time we attacked but it will not happen again." The man in the front hisses yanking off his mask. I scream as he looks back at me.

"What's wrong Christina? Am I not hot enough?" He asks blood red eyes string back at me, entirely burnt left side of his face, and lips as white as a snow, and skin as pale as a ghost. He smiles at me and his fangs drop below his chin.

"I thought I was quite sexy."

"You're a monster!" I scream as a knife appears in his hand.

"And you are a Fallen." He hisses and lunges at me. I scream as the knife slams into my chest but it doesn't penetrate the skin. I look down and see the knife stopped half an inch from entering my skin. The electricity if my necklace runs through me and I gasp as light shoots from it and slams into the leader. He falls back just as our door slams open and Deacon steps in. He looks down at me with awe and shock filling his features before he turns away.

"You are fools! All of you!" He shouts and recognition fills the leaders face.

"Impossible!" The leader shouts as the knife falls to the ground in front of me.

"Fools!" Deacon shouts then as if magically all the men fall to their knees and just die right there on the spot.

"What did you just do!?" I shout but he yanks me up

"Where were you this morning! They could've killed me!" I scream as he drags me out of the hotel.

"But, they didn't." He says continuing to pull me from the room.


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