Chapter 4

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Clay tilted his head. 

"They are?"

I nodded. He checked his reflection in the window.

"Nope, still green."

I squinted. "Are you sure?"

"Yep", he replied.

"They don't look green."

He hummed, then rubbed his hands together. 

"All right, what color is this?" He asked, pointing to his shirt.

"Yellow", I immediately responded.

He scrunched his eyebrows, then did the same thing with some other objects.

"Well", he said, adopting a fake accent. "After many hours of research, I have come to the conclusion that you are, in fact, colorblind."

I froze for a moment. 


He cleared his throat.

"It means you can't see certain colors."

I glared at him.

"I know what it means, Clay."

He giggled.

"But why am I just suddenly colorblind? I've always been able to see color."

Clay thought for a moment.

"Heaven, probably. Hell supposedly brings out the worst in you, and for you my guess is it's physical. In Heaven, it probably allows all colorblind people to see color."

I nodded.

"Yeah, that makes sense." 

He smirked then walked next to me.

"So,  before you realized my eyes were yellow, it looked an awful lot like you were about to kiss me."

I glared at him, but was barely suppressing a smile.

"Maybe I was."

Clay leaned forwards and wrapped his arm behind my neck. I stood on my tiptoes so my eyes were level with his. I leaned forwards as well, and pressed my lips to his. He wrapped an arm around me waist, deepening the kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair, then pulled away. 

Phil, I missed doing that.

"I liked that", he whispered into my ear, voice gravelly.

I grinned and pulled him back in for another kiss.



jk im terrible at writing that ahaha

im speedrunning these chapters lmao

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