Chapter 11: Afraid

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*Trigger Warning*
Descriptions of murdered children and sexual assault.

You stood over the mutilated body of a young girl, her lower jaw completely removed from the rest of her head and her eye sockets were bare, blood staining what was left of her face from their forced detachment. Looking over the body, you noticed her fingers had been broken, her ears cut, and her clothes torn in places that would suggest sexual assault. Thinking of that possibility caused your hand to twitch against your leg. Your head throbbed as you felt that familiar memory clawing at you again as it had so many times before ever since your first session with Hannibal. Every time you felt that memory pressing in to your conscience, you felt something else block it out. But now that you were standing before, not one, but three young girls whose bodies were all dismantled the same way, you were beginning to think you couldn't hide from your thoughts much longer.

You saw Beverly Katz in the corner of your eye as she stood up from taking pictures of one of the other victims. She let out a loud sigh. "Whoever did this definitely has some serious issues."

"Yeah." You heard Brian Zeller reply, taking a pause from collecting nearby DNA evidence from a trash bag that was splattered in blood, clearly belonging to one of the victims that had been placed in it. "And I'm almost positive there's a special place in Hell for em' too."

Jack cleared his throat, interrupting the chat before Zeller became too riled up. He came to stand beside you, glancing down at the girl and listened as the traffic just beside the scene was being directed to the far left lane, keeping people from seeing exactly what was going on. "Will says that the perpetrator had been stalking these girls and attacked them at different times before dumping their bodies off together. The thought being that if he couldn't have them, then no one else could."

You nodded at the speculation, knowing Will was more than likely right about that. "One of them looks more decayed than the others. We need to look at any missing persons reports and get information on the schools they went to. This guy probably waited until after school to abduct them. Especially if they were walking home." You looked up at your superior and felt your hand twitch again. "I'm already going to assume that they'll have tests done to determine if they were sexually assaulted."

This time, Jack nodded.

"For a stalker, he sure didn't love them in death." Beverly said, now approaching you and Jack. "He killed them elsewhere, but ultimately he just dumped them here."

"That's because he never respected them. Nothing in terms of his stalking had anything to do with what he thought he could give them." You said, turning to meet her gaze. You shrugged off the cold chill that suddenly hit you. "It had everything to do with him desiring their respect. He wants to be an authority figure of some type and when they didn't give him that, he saw them as being a waste of his time." 'An authority figure.' You repeated in your head. For just a second, you saw that smug smile of Charles Danum. "I honestly think it's another message."

"To who?" Jack asked. "The Chesapeake Ripper?"

You felt both Jack's and Beverly's eyes on you now, waiting for your answer. "No," You said, shaking your head, unable to reveal what you knew in your heart. "Not for him, but for the other one." That one was you.

"Why are they all sending messages to each other?" Beverly now questioned.

"It's because they know who each other are." Jack responded, his tone grave.


You waited impatiently in the seating area outside of Hannibal's office. After such a long day, you decided to see him rather than go back and try your luck again with Will, who was probably less up to the job after studying the deaths of three girls. It was best for you to see Hannibal anyway, especially because you couldn't shake the persisting thoughts of something that happened to you so long ago.

Hannibal promptly opened the door at 6 o'clock on the dot, smiling pleasantly at you even though you made a point to avoid him all week. "Hello, Y/N. It's very nice to see you again."

You moved past him without a word, hanging your coat up and sitting down in the chair. Hannibal shut the door and took the seat across from you, the smile still displayed on his face. The smile, however, seemed lifeless.

"How has your week been?" He continued to speak. "I attempted to contact you the other day, but you did not answer. You know how I feel about discourteous behavior." Hannibal was now frowning in a disapproving manner.

You quietly moved from your seat and sat at his polished shoes, resting your head against his knee and closing your eyes. This reminded you of your actions with Will previously that day, but you truly just wanted Hannibal's touch. "I'm afraid, Hannibal." You whispered, your spine tingling when you felt Hannibal's fingers entangle themselves in your hair almost to comfort you. "I'm afraid for the first time truly because I don't know who I am."

"I'm listening." Hannibal's fingers massaged your scalp gently, lulling you into a tranquil sense of being and encouraging you to continue on.

Your arms snaked around his leg as if you were clinging to the only thing that would keep you grounded. "I can't remember what happened to me when I was a kid. I mean, I keep having these dreams and it's like something wants to be remembered, but I can't."

"Do you have an idea on what might possibly be triggering these dreams and feelings?"

You nodded. "A few things. But today, we found the bodies of three little girls... They couldn't have been older than ten. There's no doubt in anyone's mind that they had been raped." You whispered that last word, feeling that all too familiar throb in your mind. "I'm afraid that something like that happened to me."

Hannibal hummed, taking a moment to fully process and appreciate your honesty. "Then perhaps you need me more than ever. And I may be able to help you recover your repressed memories." He leaned down to kiss your head, only to smell the scent of Will on you. This made him curious, but also deeply jealous. Were his toys playing together behind his back? He was certain they were. And that stirred the darkness within him.

You felt his grip in your hair tighten and you were suddenly yanked to the floor, Hannibal on top of you with his free hand now wrapped around your throat. The tears that were in your eyes a moment ago broke through, sliding down your cheeks against your will. Hannibal leaned down to kiss them, savoring the taste before looking back to you with his dark possessive eyes. "Your weeping is a captivating sight. But it will not save you from your punishment. If Will were here, I'd venture to make him watch and wait his turn. Unfortunately, you must face your punishment alone."

Your heart was racing, both scared and thrilled for his touch. No matter what Hannibal Lecter did to you, where he did it, why he did it, you didn't mind. You knew he'd free you. And you desperately wanted to be free. And so you were when he flipped you to your knees and elbows, tore off your pants and underwear, and began to send harsh blows to your ass.

(A/N Notes: Hey it's jackster here i am really sorry that i haven't been posting new chapter because i was on break or maybe take a break from writing I hope you have a great weekend this is Jackster and i am out)

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