Chapter 12: Punishment

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*Trigger Warning*
-Blood play/knife play!

Your elbows and knees burned as the usually soft rug became rough and broke through your skin. Hannibal was unrelenting, pounding into your core from behind, his strong hands gripping tightly to your hips. There were moments where he would slow his thrusts teasingly, but then he would slam back into you to draw a gagged scream from you. Your ass was a deep scarlet from him spanking you so hard. You knew he was pleased with the work he did to your rear, maintaining to spank you harder if he felt the shade was lightening up to his dismay.

Hannibal's jealousy in regards to your "playtime," as he called it, with Will pushed him to finally show you his true sadistic side. He gagged you, shoving his tie into your mouth and used his belt as a makeshift leash that he used to choke you from behind, enjoying the moments when your face went from red to blue. He knew you had been waiting for his thick cock for so long and he knew you might not even take this as a punishment. But he knew how to be cruel and he wanted you to suffer. And he was going to make you suffer.

Hannibal yanked the belt hard enough to make you head snap back before he closed the distance between your arched aching back and his torso. He leaned in to your ear, his thrusts halting. "Are you relishing in this, my darling?" His voice was dark and thick was lust. He bit down hard on your flesh that was the crook of your neck, causing you to release a rough moan. "Your mewling is entertaining. But I'm sure you're aware that I'm not nearly close to being finished with you." He lapped up the blood he drew from his bite and pulled out of you. Hannibal stood while licking the blood from his lips, thrilled by the juices that dripped from your cunt.

There were no other sounds filling the air other than your heavy panting. Your eyes met Hannibal's as he appeared in front of you. His cock was still hard and glistened in the light from being covered in your wetness. His face was something that screamed pure carnal desire. He was god and he was merciless.

Hannibal grabbed your hair and pushed your face to the floor, holding you there. The tie was already making your jaw hurt, but now you were greeted with the hard floor. "You're going to stay just this way. If you move, your consequences will be greater. Please do not test me."

You would have nodded, but you thought it wiser to stay as still as possible. You listened to Hannibal's soft footsteps as he walked towards his desk, ruffling through it for something. You worked to control your breathing, but it was strenuous with the gag and current position you were in. Your body was covered in sweat and bruises, and you wondered if Hannibal honestly believed this was all you could handle. If this was punishment, you'd be willing to bend the rules more. But then again, you hadn't broken any rules. He never told you that you couldn't sleep with Will. And you hadn't even made it as far as you wanted to with him.

Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the feeling of something slicing into your back. The pain was sharp and you could feel the warmth of your blood oozing through the clean cut. Instinctively, you moved your head to peak behind you at what was happening. Within an instant, Hannibal grabbed your hair and pinned your head back to the ground. "You were doing so well. But I need you to stay put." He growled.

Hannibal's hand trailed from your hair to the back of your neck, feeling your quick pulse, and then moved it to your back, allowing his fingers to swirl the fresh blood around the wound. "Such a beautiful canvas." You felt the sharp object slice into you again and your body tensed from the annoyance of its sting. Hannibal's pawing at the wounds didn't cease, however. Instead, he pinched at them and drew more blood out before leaning down to lick it. He hummed in satisfaction, continuing his work on cutting up your back. There was burning when he cut over the existing wounds to deepen them or create new ones from them. Tears began to build and fall as you held back cries of pain, your body shaking on its own.

"Please..." You tried to say behind the gag, face still pressed to the floor.

"What was that?" Hannibal asked, pausing his progress in a new slash, smirking down at you. "You'll have to be louder, love." You repeated yourself, pitifully behind the gag. Hannibal pulled you up by the belt and removed the tie from your mouth. His bloodied fingers wiped at the tears that allowed mascara to stain under your eyes and cheeks.

His lips, also stained with blood, collided into yours which were still recovering from Will's bite earlier that day. Hannibal's devilish tongue slipped into your mouth as he lifted you onto his still hardened cock. You moaned into his mouth and your arms flew around his neck. You shakily bounced on him, tired from your punishment but demanding the reward. Hannibal moaned quietly and you saw him grab the sharp object again. It had been an envelope opener that he had been cutting you with and now he turned it to himself, cutting the palm of his hand and presenting it to your open mouth, a reminder of what you had done for him the night you found out who he was. You gladly lapped at his hand, moving to suck on his fingers while his other hand pinched and pulled at your erected nipples.

You continued to grind against him, moving faster to work towards your own release. Hannibal laid himself back in order to plunge deeper inside of you, growling as his own climax was coming close. Your hand moved between the both of you and rubbed frantically at your clit, keeping eye contact with Hannibal, his eyes mad with appetite. His thrust were frantic but still controlled. Before you knew it, you were cumming so hard that your eyes closed as tightly as your cunt did around Hannibal. You began to release a scream when he forced his fingers back into your mouth, his own climax spilling into you. Both of you wildly rode out your orgasms together, both shaking.

Your body went limp once you came down from the high of you climax, head resting on Hannibal's shoulder. You could pass out right there. Hannibal wrapped his arms around your waist gently, his cock still throbbing inside of you shamelessly. "You handled your punishment very well, Y/N." You heard him say and felt his lips kiss your abused neck and shoulder. He sounded far away from you and you couldn't control your eyes from closing. "You did lovely, Y/N." Hannibal continued, aware that you were no longer conscious. But he figured you deserved the praise anyhow. "Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." He whispered, a small roguish smile displayed on his face.

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