Noorani 'Noori' Somer (Lead Dancer & Waitress)
Name Meaning: luminous/bright
Name Pronunciation: New-run-knee/New-ree Sum-mer
Face Claim: Hania Amir
Meezaan Zahir (Newly Hired Waiter)
Name Meaning: balance/measured
Name Pronunciation: Me-zuh-on Zuh-heir
Face Claim: Deniz Akdeniz
Sanam Hayat (Son of Restaurant Owner)
Name Meaning: beloved life
Name Pronunciation: Suh-num Huh-yah-th
Face Claim: Ehan Bhat
Devyani 'Devi'
Name Meaning: goddess
Name Pronunciation: Deh-v-yuh-knee / Deh-vee
Face Claim: Adaa Khan
Safar Hayat (Sanam's Dad & Restaurant Owner)
Name Meaning: bird/journey
Name Pronunciation: Suh-fuh-rr Huh-yah-th
Face Claim: Adnan Siddiqui
Noori's Friends
Name Meaning: loved one
Name Pronunciation: Suh-juh-aan
Face Claim: Siddharth Gupta
Name Meaning: mayor / leader
Name Pronunciation: my-err
Face Claim: Aashim Gulati
Dancing Jodi
RomantikNoori Somer is a hardworking, busybody with no time to entertain people who try their best to infiltrate her hardcore exterior and no-nonsense personality. Content working sixty hours a week as a waitress and lead dancer at the popular South Asian r...