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I sent Chiara a message and waited for an answer on the terrace. Sunshine spilled all over the white-coloured wooden tables and I felt the warmth on the nape of my neck. My algebra homework lay before me, half forgotten. The latte on the table was getting cold.

My mind was elsewhere. Well, my mind was on Maeve's Instagram page. I didn't stalk her very often and I tried not to look at her stories, but it was difficult. It would have been easier if she had blocked me, but no such luck.

She was visiting her grandma in the countryside. All she posted were pictures of random pretty flowers and stormy skies. I hoped she was doing better. But I couldn't help the resentment I felt.

She drained all life-energy I had and then she left.

These negative emotions ate at me for a while and I realised I didn't get the closure I needed. She wasn't even aware of everything she's done to me. And there was no reason to remind her of that in the state she was during our breakup.

But it's been a month now and I wasn't satisfied. I felt the need to tell her how much she hurt me.

I was so lost in the memories of Maeve, I didn't even notice Josh Wright sitting at my table. He smirked at me. His blue eyes seemed even more piercing when sunshine touched them. There was no use denying he was a handsome boy. His jaw and cheekbones were sharp and he had a long, elegant nose. Too bad he was a grade A jerk.

"What?" I closed my notebook shut and put my phone down.

"You're in my way, Jacqueline." He said.

I didn't like Josh. And not just because he was dating Chiara and possibly wasn't treating her well. He was a bully. And this school had a too high concentration already.

"And you're at my table, Josh." I answered, hoping my voice wasn't shaking. The beating in my chest accelerated, but I didn't let it show on my face.

"I don't like you accompanying my girlfriend to her room in the early morning after she's obviously been drinking." He took my latte and sipped from the cup.

If I were a man, I would have already punched him in the face. I might do it anyway.

"Maybe you shouldn't have left her there, then." I kept my gaze firmly locked on his.

"Ah." He put my latte down. "A little jealous?"

"A little insecure?" I shot back. "Why do you mind me, Josh? I'm just some girl."

"I don't like people fawning over my girlfriend." Josh's smile remained firm.

Why was he so rattled? Last time I checked, Chiara was straight. My unattainable fantasies shouldn't worry him so much. Josh kept eye contact with me, trying to assert dominance.

"I saw you last night. In the backyard." I blabbed under the pressure, hoping this revelation might scare him. But he let out a posh, pretentious laugh and stole my latte again.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked.

"I don't know what you did to her or what you have against her but-"

"Me?" Josh laughed out loud again and went through his golden hair. Truthfully, I understood why he chose Chiara. Together, they looked like a magazine cover couple. Sickeningly perfect. "Didn't you think for a second Chiara might not be as perfect as the idea of her you have in your head?"

"She doesn't have to be perfect for you to be a jerk." I said.

"I never said I wasn't a jerk, but you just love turning me into a villain. Don't you know it's people you hold in highest regard that end up disappointing you the most?"

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