Saint Rage (Chapter 2)

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Izuku is currently 12 years old a lot really happened ever since the age of 7 were he got his heritage he has been practicing non stop to improve himself physically as he was in a really bad state not fit to perform the techniques that were in the book so everyday he would perform push-ups, Sit-Ups, Squats, running which thanks to his bullies chasing him had him build some sort of endurance not to mention whenever he was beaten he would build tolerance to it which made him quite durable but he knew that won't be enough at some point he created a practice doll which he practiced his kick at his goal was by the end he would be able to create small air pressure which took three months and thankfully it worked that's when he moved to the forest were he started practicing on the tree it was hard at first but he got used to it and by the end it was rewarding for the young boy. 

After finally building his body to a satisfying degree he started training with the techniques that were in the book his goal was not to create shockwave but the correct way to perform the techniques as it took him around a year to be able to complete his training to a decent level and worked the next year to have it implanted in his muscle memory so he would perform the same technique 100 times everyday which made him not need the book for guidance anymore. 

Izuku could be now seen walking towards Aldera Junior he hated this school already how he is treated there is downright inhumane, Once he left Kindergarten and joined Aldera his sister and her friends made it there personal mission to screw with him in more ways than one the first thing they did was spread to everyone about his status of being quirkless which got him the reaction he expected "Disgust", "Anger" and "Joy" You might wonder why joy well having a quirkless student could be beneficial as no one will care about him enough so people often use him as a stress reliever by letting there quirks at him which Izuku took all in not even fighting back the reason was quite simple honestly he knew that he could turn that to his advantage as that will help him train his endurance and increase his durability but aside from that the teacher partook in it as well they might not have been involved physically but they made it there personal mission to screw with him mentally, they knew he was the top of his class but to them a quirkless shouldn't surpass the gifted so his grades were lowered and sometimes they would outright give him F in his exam not to mention whenever Izuku has wrote something that is related to heroes they would announce it to class which would rile his five tormenters who would give him a beating with the teacher smirking, the nurse in the school was also not better she would obviously heal the injury that are out but anything hidden under his shirt or under belt was not healed she didn't want the school to be held accountable for abuse. 

While Izuku was having a hard time there was a woman who was gritting his teeth in anger as she gripped her Katana in fury her white hair was flowing in the air as she waited for the end of the day and waited for the teacher to walk out of the school following behind him she dragged him to an alleyway placing her hand on his mouth to stop from calling help as the guy looked in fear at the intimidating women. 

Teacher (Scared): Who are you?

???: Who am I? A trash like you don't need to know my name but you harassed my nephew and I am here for your life. 

Teacher (Scared): Wait! I have a family to return to?

The unknown women looked at him before she grew a smirk on her face as she brought her Katana and hit him hard in vocal cord making the guy unable to scream as he lost his voice now he is mute as the guy stared in horror as the smirk turn to glare with aura surrounding her. 

???: Listen here, mess with Izuku and you will get more than a destroyed vocal cord now scram because this is the last time you will be spared. 

The guy nodded frantically as he ran away leaving the women to stare at the moon before she smiled once more. 

???: One more target left!

She then disappeared once more to appear in front of the nurse of the school and similar to before the girl begged for her life but the unknown woman was not merciful as she brought her Katana and cut her right arm off her body making the girl scream in pain but the woman had covered her mouth as he glared at her menacingly. 

???: Listen here lady, if you don't want to lose another arm I suggest you treat Izuku correctly because next time your life won't be spared. 

The girl nodded with tears in her eyes as she was let go and ran away with fear and knew that she is never messing with Izuku again, the same woman smiled once more as her sword disappeared in thin air. 

Daewi: So Mira, I thought you would kill them?

Mira (Glare): Why did you not tell me about this?

Daewi: Because of this. (Points at the arm on the ground)

Mira (sigh): why can't we take him with us he could be more safer. 

Daewi: While I do understand he need time to get stronger and aside from that I want him to have at least a normal childhood outside our job of being gods. 

Mira: But once he is strong I am going to adopt him. 

Daewi: I won't stop you Mira beside I grew fond of the kid and his determination so why not. 

Mira (Smile): Good, let's return home. 

Daewi: Sure!

The two left in the dead of the night with Mira quite satisfied with his job, the next day Izuku found the teacher of his homeroom has pretty much retired and the nurse had been avoiding him in fear, Izuku sigh as this was new for some of the teacher to come with missing limb and are treating him better than before which means there was something big but whoever it is he was grateful because his grades has become much more better since some has stopped sabotaging his grades. 

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