A Tomboy (Chapter 3)

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It has been another month in Izuku life he had been attending his classes which became more bearable due to the teacher suddenly fearing him he knew for a fact that they won't change in just a day if they weren't threatened he could only remember one person and that is his uncle Han Daewi who told him that he will be keeping an eye for him so his brain automatically told him that he had a hand in this and despite not liking violence he knew that they deserved everything that happened to them as one of his teacher had his vocal cord destroyed essentially making him mute the reason why that is because that teacher was quite the gossip in the school and would spread both true and false accusation about Izuku wanting to become a hero just to rile the students in the school even more especially his five tormenters which he quite like since they always know how to give him entertainment so Izuku thought it was a blessing since he won't have rumors about him spread everywhere. The second person was the nurse of the school she was quite the bitch and would make his healing quite painful just to enjoy his scream in agony but Izuku has stopped screaming since he got used to the pain but now she has a missing arm and would be soon replaced by a poorly designed prosthetic arm with a few bucks. 

Izuku was walking on the field were kids play soccer with quirk involved, Izuku shake his head in disappointment as he saw some staff watching and not even reprimanding them for illegal quirk usage he sat down underneath a tree which was a little scorched definitely the two Bakugo's doing because they knew how much he like sitting underneath trees he sigh as he secretly pulled his homemade lunch and ate in silence, Izuku was also not talkative as he had no one to talk to which made people sometimes assume that he is mute but who can blame him. 

???: Well, well if it isn't hand freak!

Izuku looked towards the source of the voice to see a girl he knew very well, she was some of the popular girls aside from the top 5 she was quite known for her reputation of being a bully and having her own group or more like Yakuza group bully other girls she deem as a loser but Izuku knew better the girl is quite the insecure whenever she found someone who is either outclass her in looks, strength or popularity she would blow a fuse. Izuku eye darted to the floor to see an annoyed orange hair girl he knew her very well that would be Itsuka Kendo she was quite a nice girl and they often had mini conversation which didn't go far considering that she had her classes and he had his not to mention Izuku had to keep up with the big 5. 

Itsuka: What do you want Mui!

Mui: Well you have been annoying me for quite some time now, my boyfriend seem to have his eyes on you and I am telling you skank keep away from him. 

Itsuka (Scoffs): I don't even like your boyfriend or are you that insecure!

Mui (Smirk): You seem to have a mouth on you, let me help discipline you. 

Mui made a signal before long four quirk had caught Itsuka off guard by restraining her arms and legs with Mui smiling sadistically and Mui activated her quirk which turned into a whip and Itsuka had a fear in her eyes as she realized what was going to happen. Izuku having found enough watching he decided that he won't let Itsuka get hurt so he used "Bo-Bup" essentially appearing in front of Mui catching her whip that shocked everyone as Izuku was known to not have a quirk so how he did that was quite the mystery. 

Mui: What the hell Deku, why are you interfering with my discipline?

Izuku: Sorry! But I can't let you hurt Kendo!

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