1~ cracked

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"Even when you're like this, you still find a way to piss me off"


"Your set was low" Shirabu said, bluntly.

"It was fine, I'm actually trying to give my team mates easy balls" Semi replied, the sound of his eyes rolling could almost be heard in his tone. 

"Good to know. Hey maybe if you listened to criticism you wouldn't get benched" Shirabu snickered

"The fuck you just say?" Semi spat, walking up to Shirabu's smaller frame

"Semi dude chill" Reon said, trying to hold his friend back

Shirabu snickered at the reaction he got. He loved teasing his upperclassman, especially since Semi pretty much always seemed like he didn't care about anything. He smirked, whilst anger filled Semi's body, his blood boiling at the sight of the smaller boy getting the best of him.

"Hey kids" said a bubbly voice, Tendou's taller stature stepping into the gym. He noticed the tense atmosphere he walked into and easily started to diffuse the tension.

"If you're done measuring sizes, let's keep practising. I can't wait to see the look on Nekoma's faces when we OBLITERATE THEM YEAHHHHH" Tendou yelped 

"You're too loud" Semi sighed, shrugging away from Reon who had been holding him back. 

"Lighten up Semi Semi! Aren't you excited? Only 1 more day for the rematch they insisted on because we totally smashed them last time" Tendou grinned, prancing around his platinum blonde friend.

"You should go home. It's late." A deep, plain voice echoed through the gym halls

"MOtHER FUCKER" Reon screeched, jumping into Semi, knocking him down to the floor

Ushijima just stood in the door way, no reaction present on his features.

"Sorry Ushijima-san we were just leaving" Shirabu piped up, grabbing his bag and walking off 

Semi shrugged Reon off of him and did the same, stepping out of the door into the dark, cool night. He lugged his gym bad over his shoulder, and his guitar on his back in its case. 

"You want me to walk with you, you're carrying a lot" Reon offered

"Nah it's okay, thanks bro" Semi replied. They fist bumped as they both went in separate directions and started walking home like they should've done hours ago.


Semi inhaled deeply, the crisp air filling his lungs as he felt the blue tinted moonlight scatter on his face. The lamp posts sliced the otherwise impenetrable darkness, illuminating the path home. He reach into his pocket, searching for his earphones when he heard a light shuffle behind him. He felt alert instantly, spinning around to see Shirabu standing there, a look of embarrassment etched into his features as if he's been caught.

Which, he sort of had been.

Semi smirked under the luminescence of the lamp, and Shirabu realised that, had he not known who the boy in front of him was, he definitely would have felt intimidated.

They stood there, a pregnant pause deafening them both.

"Yeah I get it you're obsessed but following me home seems a bit much don't you think?" Semi said, faking a yawn and staring at his kouhai. 

"Don't flatter yourself,  I'm the one that left first" Shirabu replied, almost too fast for his own liking

"And yet I'm ahead? Right I forgot you're small legs can onl- OW" Semi yelped, as a sound of something cracking left Semi's guitar case

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