15~ just another step

710 31 12

Semi really didn't want to get out of bed today. He did his best to ignore the infuriating vibrations coming from his phone but it eventually got to a point where he no longer could.

He answered the group call with 2 other people in it, and immediately regretted it as he heard shouting from the other end.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEMISEMI, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Reon and Tendou sang in awful voices, but Semi didn't even try to hide his smile from them. 

"Morons," Semi said, snickering

"Yeah yeah, anyways get dressed we're coming over. I'm brining Tekkamaki~" Tendou said in a sing-song voice.

This did excite Semi, though he resented himself for it. He never enjoyed the concept of birthdays, they felt pointless. Just another step into death, right? That's what he'd always thought, but now death felt more real to him, he wasn't so sure

"Hey kid. Happy birthday," Semi's dad said, coming into the room. He handed Semi a little present wrapped carefully. "I know you're not a massive fan of birthdays but I couldn't help myself," he continued

Semi unwrapped the gift, revealing a black and gold watch, with a little guitar symbol on the analogue clock face. It fit him perfectly, complimenting his hands decorated in black rings.

"Thanks dad," Semi said, pulling his dad in for a hug surprising both of them.

Loud banging came from downstairs, as Semi rushed to the door to open it, collapsing as his friends pounced on him. They greeted Semi's dad, and left, pulling Semi out with more force that what was necessary. 

"I was hoping you'd give me my presents and let me watch Netflix in peace," Semi groaned

"You wound me SemiSemi," Tendou pouted as he clung to Semi's arm. The trio walked idly as Tendou dragged Reon and Semi across a path neither of them had really encountered.

Tendou gasped as he clutched his friends, in awe of the sight before him.

Gentle sakura trees sprouting from the earth, like tufts of flushed candyfloss dancing like graceful ballerinas in the tranquil breeze. The sun was perfect, striking all of their faces with gentle compassion, using their heads as a canvas to paint resplendent pieces of art.

Tendou laid a blanket down, as they all sat beneath a tree which was leaking salmon petals, falling passively onto the floor. They indulged in the incredible Tekkamaki, washing it down with chocolate milk (courtesy of Tendou) which Reon refused to do as he believed in was a cardinal sin.

Semi looked at his friends, who had their eyes closed under the honeyed sunrays and felt eternally grateful. He had never felt so lucky, he thought, as he put his head down to join them.

Walking back felt much less enjoyable. They all ached to feel the sun on them again, warming them from the inside and out but as twilight crept up on them, the joyous feeling left. The other two walked Semi home, and left from there in Reon's car.

Semi hesitated before stepping inside, as he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket.


happy birthday

can i see you?

you don't need to come if you're too tired 

Semi huffed and smiled, feeling the emotion of something missing leave his body. He grabbed his bike and bike light and started pedalling without a second thought. 

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