
978 36 21

Calls from the hospital were no strangers to the Semi household. 

Semi woke up feeling reminiscent of last night. The interaction and raw emotion of both of them sharing their feelings eased a lot of his inner turmoil. He showered and combed his hair in the mirror and saw a ghost of a smile playing at his lips. The smile didn't match how puffy his eyes now looked, but he did his best to ignore it.

He made breakfast for himself and his father, putting on some coffee and pacing passively around the table. His father came downstairs, looking at Semi and then back at the eggs and toast prepared for him in shock.

"Who are you?" His father asked, chuckling slightly

"Don't make me regret it now. Felt like doing something nice," Semi said as he helped himself to some coffee

"That's very kind of you Eita. I have a day off work, you want me to drop you to hospital to see your friend?" he offered

Semi hesitated

"I-I don't want to overstep. But he's obviously important to you. And I want to be a better part of your life. I know it took me too long to start acting like it so-

"That would be great. And...he's a good friend. I want you to meet him," Semi said smiling 

"Let me grab my coat. Once I finish these amazing eggs of course," He said, hungrily scoffing down his breakfast


Semi's dad found a parking space and the two of them stepped out, walking towards the hospital entrance. 

But Semi's cheerful mood evaporated when he saw the receptionist, usually so cheerful and welcoming, wear a pained and saddened expression. 

He felt a pit start growing in his stomach as his confident steps faltered. His father, oblivious to this strode to the receptionists desk. As she caught sight of the young boy, she broke out in ugly sobs, her assistant rushing to calm her down. 

Semi didn't wait for an explanation.

He sprinted to the ward, his heartbeat echoing in his ears, the taste of metallic liquid oozing from tongue. But he couldn't feel the pain. He refused to acknowledge it. He kept moving, feeling like if he stopped, his legs would give way.

He finally arrived at the ward, feeling out of breath. As he ran it felt like his legs were trying to wriggle out of tar as they sank further the more they dare to move. For a second he was sure he saw a phantom silhouette of his friend, with a sneer on his face ready to comment on how stupid he looked or telling him how paranoid he was. 

But the absence of a remark never made him feel so uncomfortable. A doctor whom he recognised walked up to him, noticing Semi hyperventilating.

"Sir, I need you to calm down. Breathe with me," The doctor in instructed, but to Semi he looked like a collection of messy blue brush strokes

"Eita? There you are, kid. Eita? What's wrong?" his father said, appearing behind him. "It's okay kid, just breathe with me, okay?" 

"Sir is this your son?" The doctor said softly

"Yes, we just came to-

"Yes, I'm aware. I think I should wait for your son to calm down, Sir" the doctor muttered 

Semi vision was never sharper, yet it felt blurry. Noises were clear and penetrative, yet sounded muffled as they merged together. 

"Where...where is he?" Semi asked, dreading and yet longing for the answer

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