It Doesn't Matter

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Sissi and Jeremie agreed that the others needed physical training. While Sissi was training William, Aelita, and Ulrich, she concluded that the whole team needed a different kind of training, but since they didn't listen to Jeremie all that much–and Jeremie could be a bit overdemanding when he held a stopwatch in his hand–the team needed someone else. But who?

Aelita got the wonderful idea to have Jim, their gym teacher, be their trainer since he trained Special Op forces; of course, he'd rather not talk about it. So they enlisted Jim's help.

It was a big mistake, or at least Jeremie thought so. He didn't think he would be included in the training routine. His legs screamed for a break, and his laptop backpack got heavier and heavier with each moment. He and Odd struggled up a hill in the afternoon forest, feeling the Earth's gravity slowly pull them to an early grave. Odd huddled his stomach as their new instructor came up to press them on. "Come on, you slowpokes, no use lazying around. What's the matter? You couldn't outrun a one-legged chicken at that pace! Hup two Hup two!" shouted Jim. The two ran up the hill and joined the others, barely breathing.

It was brutal work. Even Sissi was panting at the end, and Jim didn't seem to pity her weak leg. "It's just what I need," Sissi smirked weakly, "Someone that isn't afraid to push me." Currently, though, she, and all the rest of the team, was regretting that.

They struggled over to training ground where balancing logs, crawling lanes, climbing nets, and a thin crosswalk all waited for them. Ulrich had trouble with climbing on the net as did William. Yumi's pants got stuck in the thorny crawl lane. Odd struggled to pull himself up, and Jeremie couldn't shimmy his way across the crosswalk. Aelita and Sissi especially had difficulty balancing on the logs. "Alright," Jim said, looking at his stopwatch. "Not bad for the first time. We'll rest for a while and then start back in a few minutes." The group collapsed to the ground.

"Aelita?" Sissi panted. "The next time you have a bright idea. Remind me to stop you."

"I thought you wanted a challenge?"

"I did. I did not want a sore... everything. I can't even feel my legs anymore."

"Your game is off then," Aelita smirked. The Dragon Queen growled and leered at the pink-haired elf. Sissi pushed her upper body up and spotted William cracking his back.

"You okay?" she asked.

"I didn't think anyone could pound the back of my head any harder than you. This is brutal," William groaned.

"You said it," Sissi sighed. William scooted closer to her.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What is... I mean... how do you know if you like someone. Like really like someone?"

Sissi's eyes were half-lidded, probably out of exhaustion, but she raised her eyebrow. "Why?" she said in a low tone.

"I was just... curious."

"I'd be the last person to know, remember? Former crazed Ulrich fan?" Sissi sighed then chuckled. "It's funny. When Ulrich messed up at the swimming pool, I remember you asking if I believed in destiny."

"Do you?" Will asked.

"No," Sissi sighed while the others listened to Jim's stories. "I don't know. I just...can't figure out my own love problems, okay? I'm just... clueless." She tucked her knees to her chest and buried her head.

"Hey, it's better than being in a panic like you are now," William said. Sissi's head popped up and looked at him. "I mean, as much as Yumi's shut me down, I still tried. Like you said. You have to learn from it."

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