Not a Love Story- Chapter 1

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Not a Love Story chapter 1

As I walked outside I breathed in the cold February air. It was so cold, the air was burning me. But the cold wasn't what I was thinking about as I walked down the icy steps. I was thinking simply about my life. About my friendships, relationships and my family. It was Valentine's Day yet I was walking down the steps alone. I was going to go to my best friend's house. Ariana always listened to my problems. But sometimes I would feel lonely even if she was there. Sometimes she just blanked into space when we talked, but she apologized yet it still made me feel as if a dark pit was inside me.
It was as I was walking, enjoying the solitude when I bumped into someone. He was perfect. He had beautiful brown eyes and he hade cute brown hair that was messy yet it was neat. But then I realized that he was probably a snob. But he said sorry. That was when I knew he wasn't. Snobs don't say sorry. I said sorry back. After that I just kept walking along. A sudden warmth came over me even though it was ten degrees. I thought of him the whole time. Who was he? What was his name?
I've had crushes in the past like him. They were perfect, or so it seemed. But they never cared. They were jocks and they would end up asking out someone better. Also I probably won't see him again. Even if I did, why me? A stranger? What scares me the most is that bumping into each other is common in love stories. And love stories don't have happy endings.
By the time I got to Ari's house my mind was racing. So when she opened the door I rushed her to her room and told her everything. She was like "ooh you have a crush."
Ariana listened intently to my problems. Then we did makeup. Then hair.Then nails. Then we watched a "chick flick." After that we talked about boys. It was the most stereotypical Valentine's Day sleepover. Ever.
The next day I decided to go to the mall. I was coming out of aero I suddenly see him. He said hi. I just quickly rushed away. I was with my Mom. I am just in middle school after all. Walking alone to Ari's house was one thing. She said that walking in the mall was supposedly dangerous. But if she caught me talking to a stranger she would freak.
We had a week break after Valentine's Day. When I got back I was walking with Ari, in our little group. Our friend, May was basically the leader and Faith was second in command then it was Samantha. Then it was Ari, then me Lani then there was Rose.When we stepped into the second floor he was there. Walking. He glanced sideways and saw me. He came up and said hi. I whispered to Ari that it was him.He said" You go here? Do you know where room 202 is? I did. It was my first period class with Mrs.Dunman. He was in my first period class now? I would say that this was fate but then it really would be a love story. And I don't want it to be.
Even though I didn't want a love story, I still kind of liked him. I was glad that he was in my class so I could get to know him. At first period Mrs.Dunman introduced him. She said his name was Luke. She noticed that I showed him in, so she sat us next to each other. So first I asked where he was from. He was from Virginia. So I talked to him. Then, suddenly we became friends. On that first day, we had this long wonderful talk. And that day, I learned about him. I learned that he was kind. I noticed that even though I was really small, he wasn't so much bigger than me, just taller. I wondered still, why did he talk to me?Because I bumped into him?I would always raise my hand in class but I wasn't crazy like some people and I am too social (according to Ari) and he was quiet but still social . I was kind of nerdy and he was a kind of jock. We were kind of people. But I loved fashion deeply. Maybe it was my style? But I was different? Fashion before comfort not the other way around like for most people.
At lunch I sat talking to Ari. She said that someone was looking at me. I looked. It was Luke.
The next day he started talking to me. Then rapidly we became friends. Whenever I was near him I had this sense of comfort and a sense of warmth. I had fears but when I was talking to him I was safe from the world, from my problems. I always wanted somebody to make me feel safe. And here he was, at the most inconvenient time, middle school.
In late March one of my really good friends who just moved here, to New York in October was going to move to California. She was one of my only friends in that class. She was such a great friend. It was so painful to let her go. Ari tried to comfort us but I was just so sad. The day after she left I was so sad in class. That was when I realized Luke's true kindness. Or at least he cared. He tried so hard to comfort me. I was about to cry. He gave me a hug. Then suddenly I was okay. And that was when I realized I actually loved him. But that wasn't good. What would love equal to in middle school? Pain.
In April, it was time to switch electives. So, it turned out that he was in my class along with May. I was happy. Luke came and sat next to me, on his own free will. That really surprised me because guys just don't sit next to me if they have a choice. The next day I told Ari. She had ombré in her hair, like she had always wanted. Ari said that he liked me. I said that he didn't because well, I'm me. I said that I am not pretty. She said that I was and that she wasn't. That's how "I am you're not" came to be. I stated that I had dry skin and that didn't look good. Ari said I had no acne but she did. So the argument went on and now I think maybe she's right. I mean, does Luke like me?
I remember, when I was little I had a crush on this boy. I was in third grade and I told my "friend", and she told him. I thought that he didn't like me, but later I realized he actually did. It was such a cute relationship, we would pick each other as partners and give each other chocolates. But then, as years went by though, he became a jerk. Most guys I like are kind one year jerks the next. I hoped that this didn't happen with Luke. I always looked for kindness in a guy. I could see that Luke had it, pure kindness but, you really never know.
One day I started to wonder where this was going. Was this just going to be endless thoughts, or would this be real? But, that same day we were learning about love poems in class. And, after the period was over it became real. Luke wrote me a poem about love. It was so sweet! I couldn't believe my eyes. A love poem, for me? I hung it up in my room and I was just so happy.
June was a hard month. Luke and I got into a fight. I had no one to make me feel safe for a few days. Luke was talking to May. May said that Luke totally liked her. I thought Luke liked me, because he wrote me a love poem. May was my friend but sometimes she could go overboard and say that a lot of boys liked her, which was sometimes true but I hoped not in that case. The next day after first period I buried my face in my hands outside the classroom. Then Luke asked me what was wrong. I said"why should you care?" He asked if I was mad. I said I wasn't just disappointed. Luke asked why I was disappointed. I told him about May. Luke gave me a hug and said that he liked me, not May. Then, I cried. I just cried in his arms. Then I wiped away my tears and rushed to my next class, glad that Luke liked me.

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