Not a Love Story ~ Chapter 4

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Not a love Story Chapter 4

Ugh. Bella Evans. She was the most annoying, rude and cruel person to ever be alive. I met Bella when I was in second grade. She would make fun of me and my friends wouldn't do anything about it. Then, many people started to become her friend, even some of my friends. Not Ari though. She was loyal to me as I was to her. I was still not Bella's friend. I tried to keep my distance from her. She was snobby. But, she wasn't all that fashionable either. Her usual was sweatpants and tee shirts. That was why I was so surprised to see the tweet from her. The tweet said" Lani and Luke the two little love birds are having a party which you weren't invited to." Then, I got a lot of texts from all my friends who weren't invited. They were furious. I told them it wasn't a party, but that it was just a little get together. I hated how everybody was so jealous these days. After explaining countless times and opening the door more times than ever, I just ran to my room and locked the door. I just cried because I felt bad. Not because of Bella Evans. I'm felt bad that I didn't invite them, I should have they are my friends too. Or maybe they were my friends. Then Luke knocked on the door and said that it was okay, that my friends were just upset that they weren't invited, that they weren't mad at me and that I would feel like that too. I agreed with him and opened the door. He came in and sat on the edge of my bed. Sometimes I just need someone to talk to, and that was Luke. I was lying on my bed, facedown. Luke rubbed my back. It was like we were already a married couple. (Don't tell my parents I said that.) Luke was always there for me, and I don't know what I would do without him. So, I got up and called my friends and explained. They said it was okay. I felt better. Than, I went back in the living room to watch the ball drop. Then, it was a new year. Then, at one in the morning, after having some snacks I walked Luke home.
Soon, we had to go back to school. Everyone was pretty upset because the holidays were over. When I walked in with Luke, there was Bella Evans with her "crew." came walking over to us. She said"oh, look at the two little love birds holding hands." I said whatever Bella just stop. I usually strike people as the type who wouldn't say that, because I'm small, but I am the type. Luke said " Bella what do you want?" Even though Luke only came to Everwood,NY last year, he knew who Bella was because, I told him what he did to me so, he felt it was his duty as my boyfriend to hate her. Bella said "oh just heading to class." Then she winked at Luke. He stuck his tongue out at her. She said " you both are so immature." We're immature? I said. This was on. She winked at Luke. Nobody will take Luke away from me.
We arrived at first period too see that there was a substitute. We usually hate substitutes because they make up their own rules and claim to know our teachers whereas the rest of the class, takes advantage of them, when they can. But even sometimes we do. The sub was names Mrs. T. She said that her last name was too long. Mrs.T was nice. She didn't make up her own rules. Then, she turned in the smart board and said that she was a friend of Mr. Lupin and that he had a family emergency. The great thing was, she actually taught us. That was shocking. After class, Luke,Ari and I were discussing the sub and Luke and I were holding hands. We saw Bella. Our grips tightened. She walked past us. Some of her crew was friends with Ari, which I didn't totally care it just made me a little annoyed. But they were different people. I mean I was friends with Kat and Sarah right? Bella Evans was straight up evil. And she was the annoying kind.
Later, in the evening I texted Luke about Bella. He said that he agreed with me about her being annoying. I told him that we should just act like she wasn't there. Then I went to eat dinner. The next morning my Mom asked, what Bella was doing to Luke and I. How would she know this. Then I pieces everything together, how she knew about how I felt about Luke before she even met him. My parents read my texts! Then I said, " you read my texts don't you?" I could just imagine them taking my phone off the table and scrolling through my texts! What other parents would do that? I was furious. So I just stormed away and got ready for school. I left without saying a word. On the bus Ari texted me. I replied and said that my parents read my texts. Then, I just deleted the chat. And all the other chats too. Now what could they read? Even though I was furious, I asked my parents about it after school. They said it was for my safety. I told them that I was perfectly fine and I didn't need to be monitored. So, then they stopped. Surprisingly they agreed without any argument.
In February, there was Valentines Day. It was a year since I met him. I had to buy Luke something. So, I saved up my money from babysitting and got him the grey high top Vans he has been wanting. I also got Luke a box of his favorite Hershey chocolates. Valentine's Day was on a Friday this year. Luke walked me home and then we exchanged our presents. I told Luke that he didn't have to get me anything. But he insisted. So here he was. First I gave Luke my present. He broke through the wrapping paper and his eyes grew wide. He said" how could you afford these? You shouldn't have gotten me something so expensive." Then I said" they really weren't that expensive they were only forty bucks." " For a high school life, that is" Luke said. Then, Luke gave me his present. It was so stunning. It was a Tiffany necklaces. It was a bow necklace. I said" you spent too much in me!" Then Luke said, "no I didn't you spend too much on me." I didn't, you must have spent at least one hundred fifty dollars! I said. Luke said that I was worth it. Then he kissed me. Passionately. Then, I we walked along the place we bumped into each other. There was a tree. So we held hands as we carved out initials into the tree. Now L+L will last as long as this tree.
Soon March came. It was my birthday month. I was excited but dreading my birthday. The month went by. Soon my birthday was in a day. Luke took me to dinner on Monday and there was a dance or in the restaurant. So, we danced. I had so much fun and I couldn't believe it was my last night as a fourteen year old. So we " loved it up" except we really didn't because the music was classical. Then, we called a car from uber and then, Luke walked me in. I went sleep and when I woke up, I was still fourteen.
I was still fourteen because I was born at 9:02 A.M. today. So that meant I had to go through two and a half periods until I was fifteen. Until I was really old. I wore a black skater skirt with a cute pink sweater and nude flats. I also wore the beautiful necklace that Luke gave me for Valentine's Day which I wore every day. Luke met me in front of the school. He had a present for me. I said that he spent way too much money last month on me and that he shouldn't have gotten me a present at all. But he did. He gave me the box. It was pretty big. I carefully opened it. It was a... box? Then Luke told me to open the box. Inside the box, was the fifty dollar makeup kit that I have been wanting since I was eleven. I was so excited. Then Ari walked up gave me a birthday hug, then my birthday punches and that hurt. Then she gave a present which she shouldn't have done. She got me the perfume that I have really been wanting. I wanted the rollerball because it was so cute. That's she got me. I gave her a hug. Then, the only person who could really ever ruin my birthday walked past. Bella Evans. She said" you got her makeup, she needs it." I sighed, then I said "Bella if you think you are going to make my birthday bad, you've been mistaken." With that, she walked away. Then, I went through the rest my birthday. At night, Luke came over. He asked my parents if he could take me out for a little bit. They sis dues, surprisingly because it was my birthday. He grabbed my hand and we ran. When we got to the top of the hill we kissed. Then Luke got a text. He had to leave. We said our goodbyes and I was alone again.

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