g r a z e d

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Draco's head hurt.

It really fucking hurt.

He moaned as he buried his face into the tatted and torn sheets of his bed, clenching his fists into the fabric. The new moon had come and gone again, the sixth one since the war had ended.

No one apart from Theodore Nott knew of his whereabouts, for as soon as the battle was over he'd disapparated himself and Draco as quickly as he could from the scene of the crime.

It was only when he stumbled into his Great Grandmother's abandoned cottage with his bloodied class mate at his side, did Draco Malfoy catch his reflection in the mirror and realise the cards that fate had dealt him.

He had originally wondered why Theo had disapparated them so quickly from the castle after Potter had raised the white flag of victory, but now he understood why.

He could tell from the nagging sting that persisted within his bones that he wasn't in the best shape, but seeing the extent of his injuries glaring back at him was something else entirely.

A wolf bite.

A vicious wolf bite.

Deep fang marks which sawed through his bloodied biceps stuck out like a house on fire, the fabric of his white shirt shredded and mangled with the dark crimson cuts of his torso.

The wolf's moon crescent had already began to take shape at the base of his neck, stimulating and rebirthing a scent gland within his entire being that felt as if the whole universe was revolving with him.

Nearly the whole universe... there was something was missing ... a piece that was needed to complete him ...

As Draco stared at himself that night in the mirror with darkening eyes as Theo helplessly attempted to clean and heal his wounds, only one thought crossed his clouded mind.

It was all Granger's fault.

This was all Granger's fault.

He growled at the memory, slamming his fist against the bloodied mattress as his aching muscles constricted from the purge of last night's moon.

Of course she was in the exact room he stumbled naively upon in the castle. And of course, those fucking dim-wits Potter and Weasley had left her for dead on her own. Had they not seen her fight in a duel? Pathetic didn't even begin to cover it.

Fenrir Greyback had her cornered against one of the walls, her spells proving useless against his wolf-side as he snarled and stalked menacingly towards her with only one motive.

He wasn't sure why he did it.

It didn't make any sense to Draco.

What he did he-

- He was a fucking coward -

- Draco wasn't some sort of decorated war hero -

- He could barely look his own father in the eye -

- Not to mention his inability to communicate -

and Granger - Granger - of all people -

Another primal growl erupted through his chest at the thought of her stupid little face, his lip snarling in annoyance.

Her psychotically frizzy hair, her idiotic smirk she sent him whenever she exceeded him in a test, the massive brain that was pounding away in her ugly head at every passing second.

When he thought about it, it didn't make any sense as to why he'd tackled Greyback and ended up in a brawl with him.

His claws had ripped away at his chest, and his vocal cords still stung with the agony filled scream he'd let out when the wolf's fangs broke through and tore his porcelain skin, all whilst Granger watched on in horror as Weasley dragged her away.

And so Draco Malfoy had become a werewolf, for her. No it wasn't for her. There was no way he'd think of such a thing, no way he would submit his consciousness to accepting the thought that he'd succumbed to this lifetime of pain to save her from suffering.

No, the thought itself was completely and utterly ridiculous ....

but you know it's the truth, don't you?



i wasn't expecting to be back so soon, but alas, here we are!

now this isn't going to be another 12 hour heart break (don't worry) but i'm thinking around a 3-7 hour short story read if any of you would be interested in sticking around for it <3

i just wanted to write again, and the thought passed my mind of opening requisite back up but i don't want to ruin what i've made - and what some of you might love - so here's something else in the meantime until i decide (maybe) on another long draco novel :)

basically feel good slow burn smut , which, you can't really go wrong with

hope you enjoy!

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