b e g i n n i n g

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Theodore Nott had suspected this for a while.

He'd kept the thought quiet and to himself, but his suspicions continued to grow louder and louder the more time he spent observing the phenomenon that was Draco Malfoy.

Whenever he would mention Hermione's name or even hint towards her in a conversation, he was abruptly cut off with a sharp snap by Malfoy, but whether Draco was consciously aware of that, he had no clue.

Not to mention the way Draco would sniff and scout him out when he would visit him after spending the day with Granger, heck, even the way his eyes would glare at her in the final few years of school was as much as Theo needed to get the message.

It wasn't stares of hatred, no, that was what Draco wanted everyone including himself to believe. It was stares of desire, of needing, of lust, of craving, of love.

Theo knew better than to ever bring up with him why he'd chosen to save Hermione's life by sacrificing a part of his own, but he supposed he already knew the answer to that.

Love really was a fatal flaw.

He sighed as he rubbed at his face, groaning internally as to why he hadn't perhaps mentioned something earlier to Hermione before she visited Draco.

The Minister and other members of the Magical Beast Department sat around a long meeting desk, Theo's chin resting in his hand as he drummed his fingers restlessly on the table.

It was a lot of crazed and frantic rambling, questioning as to how this had happened, what the next steps were, and what the moral and ethical thing was to do.

Irrelevant people started talking about Theo's two closest friends, with little to no consideration of their own opinions or their feelings on the matter.

Draco had been sedated since the incident, and Hermione was currently sat with wide eyes and a distant expression across from Theo, looking like she was still trying to fathom what had just happened in the previous hour.

"What are we supposed to do with this? Draco Malfoy's mate is right here within these hospital walls, I don't think we can continue to contain the werewolf here if they've not mated by the next full moon! There's really no other liable option here other than for Hermione to complete the bond!"

"Hey, whose to say they have to bond!" A short- blonde haired girl piped up, her eyes scowling at the old man who had previously spoke.

"Hermione has a choice. We all know how awful Malfoy was to her throughout her childhood, why should she have to settle for him just because his biology says so? It's not up to him to decide whether her life remains tied to his. It's a mutual decision."

"Have you seen an Alpha and their Omega before? It's natural biology- there's nothing more to it than the pair bonding, the connection is undeniable! If you just-"

"ENOUGH!" Theo suddenly bellowed, smacking his hands down on the table to cease the rambling. His body stood rigid as he glared at the people around him, wondering if this was how Draco felt on a daily basis leading up to the transformation; utterly and throughly pissed off.

"This is ridiculous, Hermione is right here, and not one of you has even given her a second to breathe, nor asked her how she is! Instead of talking about her like she's not even in the room, why don't we ask her what she wants to do and how she feels about it?!"

Silence hung over the room.

"Merlin's fucking beard!" Theo grumbled under his breath as he collapsed back on his seat, crossing his arms as he cursed in low mumbles.

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