t a u n t i ng

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It was a relatively quiet morning for Draco after the previous day's incident. His head was still spinning of course from all the draught of peace he'd been injected with, but other than that, he felt okay.

Once Granger had left the premises, his wolf-side had begun to calm down from the erotic peak it had reached earlier, and he was finally allowed a moments peace to himself. However, for the rest of the night he found himself reflecting on how quickly things had slipped from his control, something which had sent him spiralling into a panic attack multiple times. It was far from ideal, but Draco knew no other way of dealing with these types of things.

He'd eventually managed to fall asleep after what felt like hours of guilt and worry had throughly eaten away at him, but was disturbed from his slumber the following morning by none other than Theodore Nott.

They'd shared a few quiet words over sips of tea, finding that the conversation steered more towards the Quidditch news than the actual issue at hand.

It felt nice, somewhat of a relief to be treated like he was just Malfoy again (even if there was a chain secured to him like a prisoner), and that pleasant feeling of contentment settled in his stomach as he tried to lose himself within a book after Theo had left him to himself.

But that peaceful hour was soon disturbed by a knock at his door, jolting his body into alert mode once again as it creaked open.

"For fucksake, you again?" Malfoy's eyes snapped to the doorway from where he was seated, a book cradled between his bent knees. "I thought I told you to stay away."

Hermione stood sheepishly in the doorway, a nervous blush already present on her cheeks as she took a deep breath to compose herself.

"I wanted to personally apologise that I allowed things to get out of control yesterday. I shouldn't have taunted your wolf-side, it was unprofessional on my behalf considering the sensitivity of our situation."

Draco blankly stared at her for a moment or so, his face completely emotionless before his infamous eye roll resurfaced again on a taut sigh.

"Granger, you're un-fucking-believable. I'm the one whose a goddamned werewolf, it's my Alpha that's caused you to become an Omega, it's me whose causing your hormones to go into overdrive, it's me whose making you keen towards submission and wanting your control to slip. Don't fucking apologise."

There was a tense silence between the two as Hermione dipped her head and mumbled a quiet 'sorry' out of habit, which caused Draco's burning eyes to flick over her in annoyance.

"Is that all then?" The words sneered from his mouth as Hermione looked back up at him through doe eyes. "Because if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my book."

Which was a fucking lie. Draco had re read the same page fifty times and still couldn't tell you what it said or what had happened. His mind had kept drifting and pondering on a million different 'what if's' and 'but's' and 'maybe's', all the while silently tormenting him from the inside.

Again, the wolf began to grow restless inside of Draco like it had many times before, clearly perturbed at the fact he was trying to dismiss their Omega, causing Draco to furrow his brow and wiggle uncomfortably at the tension forming in his chest.

"As I said previously," Hermione began with a deep breath, clearing her throat as she lifted her head. "I'll be working with you until the full moon."

Draco scoffed, slotting his bookmark pathetically in place as he folded his arms in disgust.

"Working with me? I'm not some sort of case study for you, Granger. I don't want your help."

Hermione bit her lip as her hand rubbed awkwardly at her arm, still worried that if she'd look him in the eye then the flush of emotions from the previous night would return to her, even with the heavy douse of hormone suppressants she was on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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