Chapter 5

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We had been marching for what felt like hours now. Well it was not marching, well the soldiers were. The survivors were more just walking together as well all were just following the lead of the officers. I could just about make out there helmet plumes over the mass of heads.

Though it was weird though, I thought the officers would have horses, being officers and all. The soldiers around us, still had the leather armour, with the black helmets, bit they now alongside the sword that I had seen some have previously. They all were carrying spears as well. It is like everytime that I see them, there is something different about them.

Ignoring all of this though, my feet are really starting to hurt.

I glanced down at them for what felt like the millionth time in the past hour. Not much could be seen of my shoes anymore. They were covered in dust and mud, it wouldn't surprise me also if there was some blood mixed in there somewhere as well.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I could faintly hear the sound of a bell in the distance, everyone, soldiers and slaves alike began to quicken the pace ever so slowly. I didn't think we would be at this encampment yet. So I guess it is another kind of military base for us to stay at.

I overheard some people say that it could be town. If it is, that would be even better as I could finally find out where exactly I am. Well, more accurately when ever as from what I had seen from the soldier. I assumed we were in ancient Greece as the soldiers' armour would suggest that. Though, I don't remember there being any massive plains in Greece though. Guess, I never noticed before.

As we got closer I could faintly see what looked like a town in the distance.

I heard some people yell out in joy at the site of the town. I smiled wreairly. They must think this is the end of our march. Poor fools. If I understood the commanders words correctly. We will have at least another three days of marching, if not four.

As we slowly moved into the town. We were all heard by the soldiers into a massive courtyard. Once we were all inside, the gates slammed closed behind us with a boom!

The loud noise made me jump for a second. As I looked around, I found a table with pails of water alongside, some baskets filled with bread. I grabbed Lance as I began to walk over, slowly. Trying to not draw any attention to myself. This way I hoped to be able to get lost more food before anyone else released it.

Just as I reached the table, someone yelled out.

"Hey guys! There is bread and water over there!"

'Shit!' I thought to myself as I broke into a run to get to the table first. As I arrived I snached as many bread rolls as I could, Lance was doing the same next me.

Three second later, more people arrived and we soon found ourselves being shoved out of the way. As more and more people began to push through to get to the bread baskets. I found myself next to one of the pails of water, which I went to pick up. As I began to move with it, I soon felt the weight of it,

"Oh shit, Lance, help!"

He quickly came to me, with a bread roll hanging out of his mouth.

Together we were able to move it to a corner, though at one point I nearly lost grip due to someone bashing into me as the ran past carrying at least ten bread rolls, behind him came ten more people each yelling out and cursing the man for his greediness.

In the corner that I had found, we put the water down, then collapsed to the floor panting.

I quickly ate one bread roll, before holding the other in my hand. As I ate Lance watched the people near us, to make sure that no one would be able to sneak up on us as we were eating. When he was eating, I did the same thing for him.

At this point though, the courtyard had quieted down, all that could be heard were the sounds of people eating bread rolls and the occansl slurping as someone drank some water. Once all the food had been eaten, we all fell asleep. Not bothering to talk to each other.

The next two days proceeded in nearly the same way. This was except for us staying at military encampments for the next two nights and that the food we got was now overseen by the soldiers. Sometimes, one soldier would be in a really bad mood and when this happened one of us would be taken outside. What followed next was the crack of the whip and the screams of the poor man who was taken. Usually they would be dragged back inside later on in the night. Sometimes however, no one would come back and their bodies would not be seen again.

We were coming up to the end of the fourth day of marching. We were coming up to another military encampment. This one though seemed a lot more tense though compared to the others we had been at the night before. It had wooden walls, with towers spread out evenly all along the wall.

On each tower there were three soldiers inside. Each had a bow in hand and was watching the surrounding countryside. As we moved inside, I found that the encampment was much bigger than the other ones we had been at.

We were moved into a smaller area of the camp, inside there were around twenty big tents. Alongside that there were five big wagons, with people wearing more normal clothes. Well I say normal, but it was like a white linen shirt and some kind of linen trousers. Next to them there were a few soldiers. Officers by the look of it. Their helmets were plumed horizontally like a commander, but alongside this they had a few different insignias as well. The commander, our commander walked up towards them.

He stamped his feet together and slammed his right fist over his heart in what I assumed to be a salute.

They then began to speak to each, I couldn't hear what they said though. The next thing that I knew, we all had been formed into five lines. Each line in front of a wagon. From what I could see as we got closer. Each person was handed some clothes and some kind of footwear.

When it was my turn, they looked at my height for a second, before handing me some clothes. A tight fitting shirt and some kind trousers. For my feet, I was handed some sandals. The straps would seemingly cover my whole foot, ensuring that would not move at all, which I guess is good. At least I won't get any blisters.

I walked towards one of the tents, to get changed into the clothes.

A hand suddenly appeared in my path. Following it to the body, I saw that it was the guard who chased me with a whip a few days ago.

"Get changed here."

I was hesitant at first, then as he raised up the whip to hit him. I stirpped faster than I knew possible before, putting on the new clothes. The straps on the sandals took me a few seconds to work out. Then I got the new clothes on quickly.

They were not comfortable at all. I felt itchy all over. A frown must have been visible on my face and I swear I could see the soldier smirking under his helmet. After that, I sent me towards another open space in the camp where lots of people were already gathered. There must have been at least a thousand of us in this area.

As I looked around, I saw lots of faces that I did not recognise, but I did manage to find Lance again.

As we got together, I heard the rough sound of a voice other than the top of the moving feet.

"We attack the encampment now. It has to fall. Move out!"

We were all herded out of the military camp, in the direction of the woods that could be seen in the distance.

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