The Rainbow's ends.

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A few days have passed, weeks in fact when Prim and Draco met in secret. It's the last week of their sixth year and the ball is around the corner, causing the students to get stressed. Stressed because they have to go alone, because their favorite choice didn't say yes yet, because they want to look as beautiful as possible. Stressed because Draco can't go with Prim as he can't be seen with her anymore.

It has been unusually hot in the last few days as the summer sun wraps everyone in warmth and euphoria. The lake near Hogwarts is full of shady creatures and students trying to cool down. As dark clouds approach the peaceful atmosphere, the students' mood change as well.

As the first drops of the warm summer rain hit their warm skin, they begin packing, running towards the castle. Prim is grabbing her towel and her clothes, running in her white swimsuit through the slightly wet but still warm grass. When her barefoot feet touch the blades of grass, she can feel the tickling of it on her skin, causing her to smirk a little.

Rain before the golden sun is promising another rainbow to come on this beautiful day, she thinks as she gets slower. Prim doesn't know why she was running in the first place as she enjoys the rain pouring down on her. She looks at the grey, silvery sky and closes her eyes. She spreads her arms as if she's a bird spreading its wings and starts laughing, causing her clothes to fall on the wet ground. She can't remember when she felt this pure the last time.

Each drop on her skin sits like a perfect puddle, soaking her white hair in dark colors. Swallowing the sweet, warm drops while smiling at the sky, at the storm to come is giving her the happiness she needed since she lost it when she had to hide her love for a forbidden guy.

"Prim?" a sweet voice interrupts her thinking as she has to nearly squint her eyes to see who's talking to her through the pouring rain.

"Fred, long time no talk" Prim smiles and approaches the also soaked guy, his ginger hair also turned black, his smile is still placed on his face, just as Prim's.

"I knew the only girl standing in the rain has to be you" he smirks "Aren't you freezing with nothing on other than your swimsuit?"

"Well, it isn't like I have nothing to wear with me" she answers, pointing at her wet clothes in the grass. "I guess I just wanted to feel something"

"So you and the blonde twat are no longer dating, huh?" Fred says, not being able to hide his smile.

"No" she lies, thinking of Draco wherever he might be. She misses his gentle touch in the hallway, his soft kisses in the Great Hall whenever they ate together, his smile he gave her when she said something funny in public. All she can think of now is the hidden smile he gives him while crossing their paths in school, his hidden touch on her body while being alone in his dorm, his hidden love he has to offer. Unhappily, she forces herself to smile at Fred.

She knows it was her idea to keep it a secret but she never thought of the consequences of not being seen in public. She forgot about the disrespect he has to show her, she forgot about the cold and loneliness that overcomes her.

Draco, thinking of her at the same time as she thinks of him, is standing in the rain as well, standing on the stairs that lead to the meadow in front of the lake. He came to look after her as he knew she always swims way too far away from the shore and when the first thunder hit, he got scared. Scared she might not be able to make it out of the lake in time, scared he might lose her like he already lost too many important people to him.

He stopped when he saw that she isn't alone, that she is with Fred Weasley. He could feel his heart tearing apart, beating on both sides of his body. Now, he is standing in the rain, watching the love of his life talking to another guy because he can't, waiting for her to recognize him standing on those stairs leading them to Hogwarts.

"Well, then you're free on Sunday? No date for the ball?" Fred grins happily as he gets closer to Prim.

"No I don't have a date, Fred" she says, knowing what he is about to ask, not stopping him from getting closer to her.

"I am kinda hurt you didn't come to me as soon as you guys ended things. I thought we're friends, I thought you'd like me to be your date for the ball" Fred says, getting rid of his brown jacket.

"Well, I had other things in mind than an annual ball" Prim nearly has to scream as the rain patters even harder on the ground, sounding as if it hits the asphalt.

"Fine, then it is a date. You're going with me" Fred yells and gives her his jacket. Slightly and carefully, he places it over her bare shoulders. He pulls her closer and hugs her in intention to warm her as he saw she started to shiver a while ago. Both of them standing in the rain, not thinking about going inside, hugging each other, feeling the warmth of each other.

"Okay" Prim says after a short while of thinking. She has to tell Draco, she thinks, she can't hide it from him like he has to hide everything they are. Feeling guilt and happiness at the same time, she lets herself sink into Fred's caring arms.

As Draco can't take their closeness anymore, he looks at the sky. A bright rainbow arches upon the sky, shining in every color it has to offer. Its red shines like the love Draco has within him for her. Its purple shines like the mystery revolving around her, the secret she is hiding. Its yellow is the hope the boy has inside him, telling him he never has to let go of her. Its green is the jealousy Draco's heart is feeling when he sees her standing close to Fred, not knowing what they're talking about, why they're laughing together in the rain while Draco is standing in the rain himself, all by himself.

It's crazy how the same rain can be felt differently on other's skin. Some find happiness in it, some drown in sadness with every drop falling.

Each raindrop is the drop that kisses both their skin whenever they were together. Each drop is washing everything anew, even Prim and Draco themselves as their paths separate. One following the rainbow, one following the goblin carrying the galleons at the rainbow's end.

Please be kind to my drawing as always! I am not an artist, I do this for fun! <3 (Also yes her hair is white but you know it rains that's why her hair is dark)

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Please be kind to my drawing as always! I am not an artist, I do this for fun! <3 (Also yes her hair is white but you know it rains that's why her hair is dark)

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