Cardverse Headcanons pt 1

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1)The Kingdom of Diamonds owns 80 colonies. As for the other Kingdoms the Hearts own 70 colonies the Spades own 60 colonies and the Clubs own 50 colonies. The Jokers have their own colonies as well but they are only 4 and rather small. The governors of the colonies have the title of Lord/Lady and they are under the absolute control of the Royalty.

2)The King, the Queen , the Jack and the Ace of each Kingdom rule together as a Tetrarchy.

3) The Queens of Hearts and Diamonds were members of the nobility before they earned that title. Meanwhile the Queens of Spades and Clubs were born in common families so they had to be educated in royal duties before their coronation and their weddings with the newly chosen Kings.

4)The Jacks and the Aces can fall in love but this shouldn't make them pause from their duties

5)The Jokers' main work is to make sure that the world of Cardverse is in balance. They can reward the good people but they won't hesitate to punish the bad ones. Actually they aren't good nor evil but rather neutral.

6)Czech(both male and female) has some Clubian blood along with the Heartian. Their mother was a woman from Clubs who migrated to Hearts and then she married a man from the richest families of the Kingdom of Hearts. From their marriage the future Queen was born.

7) India(both genders) is the oldest Jack of them all They take very seriously and find jokes about it very offensive. They are strict but this doesn't mean that they are uncaring.

8) Denmark(again both genders) may seem too carefree for the Ace of Clubs position but in fact they are very protective of the Clubs King(gender doesn't matter). They become very scary when someone touches the King without permission.

9) The Ace of Hearts is the Red Joker's older sibling. Another pair of siblings are the Queen and Jack of Clubs. The Jack of Clubs is the older sibling while the Queen of Clubs is the youngest.

10) When some nobles judged the newly crowned King of Spades Thailand on marrying Vietnam and this making them the new Spades Queen, they answered that they got married because they loved eachother no matter their different heritage.

11) All the King and Queen couples are faithful to eachother and they would never cheat their soulmates not even as joke.

12) The Roman Emperors of Hetalia are actually in this AU. They all belong to the Kingdom of Diamonds but not as Emperors. They are just members of nobitily.

13) The marriages between people from different suits can actually improve the relations between the Kingdoms.

14) In every Kingdom men and women have equal rights. No more nor less than eachother.

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