Cardverse Headcanons part 2

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1)The four Kingdoms aren't in war all the time. They actually have many agreements on terms like trade or free education.

2)The Kingdom of Clubs has the coldest climate of all so its citizens. In the other hand the Kingdom of Diamonds has the hottest one. The climate of Hearts and Spades isn't actually too hot or too cold.

3)Diamonds is the largest Kingdom, Hearts is the second, Spades is the third and the Clubs is the smallest.

4)The Royalty of each Kingdom has its own rules that all of its members must follow.

5)The royal marriage of Hearts isn't an incestuous one. Slovakia and Czech were actually childhood friends and when they first met they had no idea that they were going to be the next King and Queen of Hearts.

6)The children that are born from parents from different Kingdoms have mixed blood. For example if one of the parents is from Hearts and the other from Spades then the child will be both Heartian and Spadian.

7)In the Kingdom of Spades and Clubs only the women that belong to the Royalty and the high class have embroideries on their clothes. 

8)Only the women who are members of the Royalty and the nobility of both Kingdoms of Hearts and Diamonds wear nail polish. 

9) It doesn't always need for the King to be a man and the Queen to be a woman. They can be both men or both women. The King can be a woman and the Queen can be a man. The roles of Jack, Ace, number cards and even Jokers are gender neutral as well.

10) Despite of Diamonds being the richest Kingdom the Diamonese people aren't spoiled. Actually they are very generous , even with those whose lives are difficult.

11) The Kingdoms of Hearts and Spades aren't too poor or to rich. But still they do everything to help the poorest people.

12) Because the Clubs is the poorest Kingdom, there is a law according to which the rich people should help the poor ones. Even the Royalty supports those who are in need.

13)All the citizens from all the Kingdoms learn alongside with their native language, the ones from the other countries so it will improve their communication skills. As for magic it isn't a physical talent. It comes after lots of practise and after learning how to control it.

14) Like the Kings and the Queens , the Jacks , the Aces and the number cards in all Kingdoms are also chosen by destiny.

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