Royal Dynasties and Royal Marriages

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Royal Dynasties

Hearts: Murgas Dynasty

Spades: Yodsuwan Dynasty

Clubs: o'Hara Dynasty

Diamonds: Sideris Dynasty(i find it more fitting than Karpusi)

Headcanon: All the Kings are born in royalty and are chosen by fate. The Queens of Hearts and Diamonds were members of nobility before gaining this position while the Queens of Spades and Clubs were previously members of the middle class

Royal Marriages

Cyprus x Genoa: King and Queen of Diamonds(all forms)

Slovakia x Czech : King and Queen of Hearts(all forms)

Thailand x Vietnam: King and Queen of Spades(all forms)

Ireland x Iceland: King and Queen of Clubs(all forms)

And none of those marriages was arranged or forced by someone else. All of them were purely out of love

Extra information: when i am saying in all forms i mean male x male, female x female and male x female. Also things like incest and pedophilia don't count(in this AU Iceland i mean both genders is 19 years old). And there is no need for the King to be a man and the Queen to be a woman. They can be any gender. The same thing goes for the Jacks, the Aces and the number cards of each Kingdom. Even the Jokers themselves can be any gender despite of not really belonging to any of the four Kingdoms/Decks(Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Diamonds)

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