The Cemetery

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(Contains some angst and a mention of an overdose)

America woke up at noon, still a bit groggy from everything that happened last night. Despite this, he got dressed into a hoodie and jeans and made his way down the stairs. There, he saw Mexico dressed to go out.

"Hey mex, where you headin?" America asked.

"The cemetery... it's been a while since I've visited my mom," Mexico said. America nodded.

"Hmm... maybe I'll go with you- if that's ok... I have someone to visit as well," America said.

"Sure. I hate going by myself anyway," Mexico said. With that, the two got in their car and drove to the cemetery. When they got there, it was eerily empty as usual. Not many people liked visiting the cemetery, especially since many of the people buried there had a bad past. America let Mexico visit her mother in peace, while America went to visit Soviet. America sat down next to the gravestone, softly humming to himself.

He always remembered Soviet telling him to bury him somewhere far away from other dead people, because he didn't like crowds. America chuckled to himself sadly. He didn't have any control over where Soviet was buried. Knowing Soviet, America figured he meant for him to dig up his dead body and move him somewhere secluded. However, unlike Soviet, America didn't really want to go to jail. America closed his eyes tightly, remembering the last time he saw his friend alive.

"Get the f*ck away from me," Soviet said, glaring at America.

"Soviet, I'm not leaving until I know you're not gonna keel over dead the second I go," America spat. Soviet laughed, knowing that it pissed America off.

"Awww you worried about me sweetheart? F*ck off. I'm fine," Soviet said.

"That's observably untrue. How many drugs you tripping on?" America asked. Soviet laughed.

"Nah, I'm completely sober," Soviet said. Bullsh*t.

"Sov.... what have I told you-,"

"Yeah, yeah, lay off drugs and alcohol, I'm killing myself, whatever," Soviet said.

"Please Soviet... do you need me to start crying?" America said. Soviet chuckled and sat down on the ground, patting the ground next to him. America sighed and sat next to Soviet.

"Are you gonna cry now baby?" Soviet asked. America scoffed.

"Soviet... this is serious. Stop being so lighthearted about this... you're... you're killing yourself," America said. Soviet shrugged.

"A wasted life is a waste of time. The sooner I'm out the better. You'll thank me one day-,"

"Soviet would you cut that out?! You won't f*cking die, not on my watch!" America shouted. Soviet smiled apologetically, a face America had never seen his friend make.

"Ame, I'm a teenage dumpster fire who's only remaining friend is his worst enemy. It's a miracle I've stayed alive this long.... to be honest, you're the reason why. These past few years where I tried to ruin your life.... that's what's kept me going. And now, I don't have a purpose. Come this summer, you're gonna go off and find a fancy college and I... if I'm still here.... well... I'll probably be drunk in an alleyway waiting for the police to drag me off to jail," Soviet said.

"Shut up! Just shut up! That's not gonna happen! I won't- you can't-,"

"Ame... It's ok. I'm not scared, or mad... it's what I deserve... hell, I'm lucky we're even friends, after all of the bullsh*t... that's enough for me. I don't need to be saved- I don't want to.... you caring about me is enough," Soviet said. America looked away, sniffling. Soviet smiled and wrapped his arm around America's shoulder. "Poor baby, are you crying now?"

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