The Cape

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America was lying on Australia's couch, trying to calm the anxiety in his mind.

"Ame, what happened?" Australia asked.

"I'm not giving you details Aus, but one thing lead to another Mex was taking off my shirt and I completely forgot about the scars," America said.

"Oh... why didn't you make something up?" Australia asked. America sighed.

"I just... I don't like lying to her! Especially if she starts giving me sympathy.... that would make me feel worse," America said.

"I guess... but now she's really worried about you. You have to come up with something," Australia said.

"Like what?! I got in a street fight?! I'm doing it to myself?! Those are huge things I shouldn't lie about!" America exclaimed.

"I know, but you have to find something! Ame, if she finds out, she could be a target. You don't want her getting hurt, right?" Australia said.

"I don't! But... I-I....," America stuttered. Australia sighed.

"Just think about it... Mexico is coming over tomorrow. I told her no, but she's coming anyways ok? So just think about it," Australia said. America sighed and closed his eyes.

"Sov, stop lying. You reek of vodka," America spat.

"Why do you care?" Soviet shot back.

"Because this is bad and you know it Sov! Why do you do this?! And lie about it?! You could at the very least admit it," America fired back. Soviet wrapped him in a hug.

"Quit whining baby," Soviet said. America tried to push Soviet away, but faltered into the embrace. "I lie to you because I don't want you to worry so much ok? You're always so protective," Soviet said.

"You're pretty bad at lying then," America said. Soviet chuckled.

"You know I can't help but tell you the truth.... I can't lie to you, and that's why I try so hard to lie. Every slip up just makes you more worried...," Soviet said.

"So why bother lying? Why can't you just tell me anything?" America asked. Soviet sighed.

"Everyone lies Ame. Sometimes the truth is just too'll understand one day," Soviet said.

America opened his eyes and wiped away his tears. He wasn't excited to lie to Mexico, but he knew what he was going to say.

The next day, Mexico showed up at Australia's house. America was hiding himself under blankets on the couch as if he was a child. Mexico pulled the blanket down just enough to see America's face.

"Ame," Mexico said softly.

"Hi," America said dryly.

"Ame... is everything ok?" Mexico asked.

"," America admitted.

"What's wrong?" Mexico asked. America sighed.

"Mexico... I don't think I'm ready to tell you. I just want you to know that things may be a bit bad right now... but I'll be ok. With everything that's going on in my life right now... I just couldn't take the confrontation that night. I ran away and I'm sorry... but I promise I'll be ok. Luckily Aussie was there... I'm sorry Mex, for everything," America said. Mexico nodded understandingly.

"I... I'm glad you're ok Ame. I got really scared for you when you ran away... it's ok if you're not ready to tell me yet... but please, don't run off like that... I was really worried," Mexico said. America sat up and wrapped his arms around Mexico. They silently held each other close, and America internally sighed of relief.

The next week, after a long time, Cosmos finally came back. The public had mixed feelings about this. Many people were relieved, and an equal amount of people saw Cosmos as a murderer for what he did to Canada. He even had people shout at him in the streets. After fighting a bank robber, he and Australia headed back to New Zealand's lab, Where Canada was waiting for them.

"Guys, hurry and help me talk Canada out of this," Dr. WHO exclaimed upon their arrival.

"Oh come on! If you're not gonna let me do anything useful then why even keep me around!" Canada exclaimed.

"He's built to fight! He can handle it!" New Zealand exclaimed.

"Wait, what?!" America exclaimed.

"I wanna fight with you guys! I have nothing better to do!" Canada exclaimed.

"Canada, it's too dangerous-,"

"America, I'm dead. Nobody knows I'm alive. There's no point in me existing. Can I just help so I have a reason to still want to live?!" Canada exclaimed.

"Canada don't say it like that-,"

"I mean what I say Ame! My life is over. If I get to live, I want a goddamn purpose," Canada exclaimed.

"But what if you get hurt Nada?!" America exclaimed.

"Then I get hurt! Whatever! New Zealand fixes me! What if you get hurt! You're all fleshy and fragile!" Canada exclaimed. America sighed.

".....fine.... you can help us.... just... be careful ok? You're a cyborg, you're not indestructible," America said. Canada nodded.

"Ok... thank you," Canada said. America sighed once more. He didn't want to put his brother in danger, but Canada was right. Other than fighting, there was no more purpose in his life. Dr. WHO said herself that if Canada tried to go back to his normal life, New Zealand would probably go to jail. Still, America couldn't help but worry.

Meanwhile, while Mexico was doing laundry, she spotted something strange poking out of America's closet.....

A purple-blue cape that glittered like the night sky.

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