Chapter 1: Introduction

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January 1, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. ~

Dixie was drowning, not in water, but in life. She hadn't felt happy in a long time. To her, there's no point of living. She's became cancer free exactly 6 months ago today and she didn't even care. I think she would've preferred to just pass away when she got diagnosed so that she's wouldn't have to live in this disappointing world.

Dixie doesn't exactly know why she chose to move to Washington. She previously lived in Florida, and let's just say Washington isn't exactly the closest place she could've moved. I think she just wanted to get as far away from the environment she was in. Everyone there knew she was sick, they knew that she wasn't okay. Dixie didn't like that. She would've preferred for no one to know anything about her, which is what she will get now that she livestream in a place that she knows no one and no one knows her.

Noah on the other hand felt he had a purpose. He didn't know what that purpose was but he knew he wanted to live. He wanted there to be a reason for him in this world. But after being heartbroken that purpose slowly faded away. He had just wasted 5 years of his life with someone and got nothing out of it. It's been 3 months since the break up but for him it feels like 3 minutes.

He moved away to Washington to get away from the toxic environment that reminded him of her every day. He needed to start fresh, to feel like he used to. To find the purpose that he has been looking for his whole life. I don't know if that's exactly working though. It's been a month since he moved to Washington and he hadn't done anything important. The only think he does is eat, sleep, drink, and hook up with a different girl every night.

Dixie in that case was very familiar to Noah. If you would've asked her how many times she's slept with someone last month, she would lose her mind trying to count. They both weren't proud of it but it was the only thing that got them through the day, as miserable and disappointing as that is, it's the truth.

January 1, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.~

Here we go, another night of getting drunk and sleeping with someone. Dixie went to a different bar every night. She didn't want someone she already hooked up with to she her so she always found a new place. Noah is completely different in that area. He goes to the same one every night. All the girls that he's hooked up with so far have made a group, they make it a competition. Little did they know Noah didn't do more than just 1 night.

After looking online to see what bar she could go to she finally found one with an unfamiliar name. Or at least she hoped it was unfamiliar. She doesn't exactly 100% remember all the ones she went to, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that she could get drunk and have sex. As sad as it was that was her daily life. She got to the bar, with an Uber of course and marked her spot immediately.

Noah was already there. He's been there since 5, he had nothing else to do so he comes early to look at all of his options for girls. But when an unfamiliar face shows up he immediately throws his attention towards her. How could he not? A new face, perfect body, and hot, how could he not look.

It's only been 10 minutes since Dixie came and she was already getting tipsy. When Noah saw that he made his move. He was a slow drinker, he really started drinking when he made his decision, which I think he chose before even having permission. When he said down, Dixie don't really acknowledge him since she was turned around, but when she did I don't think she could take her eyes off him. I mean can you blame her, he's HOT.

D: oh u-m hi "smiles"
N: hi "laughs" never seen you here before, you new.
D: ye-s actu-ally, is it th-at obv-iou-s? "Laughs"
N: no not really, I'm new here too so I just kinda had a feeling
D: go-ood t-o kn-ow!
N: how about we cut to the chase and stop the chitchat "smirks"'

Before Noah could say another word she attached her lips to his. Typically when she kiss all these other people she felt absolutely nothing, but with Noah it felt different. She didn't wanted to get distracted from this moment though, so she chose to ignore it. He kissed back, intensely. "Shall we take this somewhere else?", Noah asked detaching his lid from Dixies. Yes please.

Dixie already felt normal again. She got drunk super fast but got over it even faster. She was happy about it this time though. She wanted to feel this hopefully amazing night with this new person she met. Noah then proceeded to ask her "my place or yours?" Dixie didn't care, she could've just done it there but she didn't want wait any longer so she just said "yours". "Your wish is my command" Noah said with a huge smirk on his face.

They were both eager to be with one another in that way. You could tell that they both couldn't wait until they got to Noah's apartment. The drive to his house felt like an eternity. Occasionally Dixie would attach her lips to his for a mere second and Noah kept his hand on her thigh. Typically Dixie absolutely hated when other guys she hooked up with did that, but when Noah did it, it felt different, she just could've explain how.

When they pulled up to his apartment, Dixie admired how nice of a building he lived in. She also realized that her place was 5 minutes away but she didn't bother saying anything since this was a one time thing, right? He picked her up having very little patience left and ran her upstairs to his apartment. Dixies attached there lips once again before he got to the door. She was ready for this, more than she ever was before.


Noah finally got the door open and went inside. Dixie was latched onto him. Her legs were wrapped around his torso and her hands playing through his soft fluffy hair. His hands were roaming every inch of her body. He finally got the bed and set her down detaching their lips. He then got on top of her and slowly started to kiss her neck finding her sweet spot.

Dixie was already going crazy and they had just started. No one ever found her sweet spot and it made her more eager to do this with Noah once he did. She could do it anymore. She managed to get up from being under Noah and got on top of him. She started to kiss him once again until he out of now where flipped them over once again do he was on top.

Dixie typically liked being dominant, she liked the feeling but with Noah she didn't care. She just wanted him so badly she would've done anything. Lucky for her Noah wanted the same thing. He slowly started to take of her dress revealing her black lace underwear and no bra. She wanted to give easy access which he was grateful for because he hadn't know how much he could last without being inside of her. He slowly took everything off of Dixie and himself and caressed her body carefully.


They finished after an hour. Noah fell on the other side of the bed breathing heavily. Dixie felt absolutely perfect. She hadn't been handled like that in a long time and she forgot how good it felt. Noah could say the same thing. He typically didn't care about all these girls but with Dixie it was different. He wanted more afterwards, which is something that he didn't even feel with his ex. They both say they put of breathing admiring each other starting into each others eyes.

The silence was finally broken after Dixie started to get up. Wait! Where are you going? Noah asked curious why she was in such a rush to leave. I need to go before I fall asleep "Dixie says and laughs" you can just stay here, I don't bite, Noah said wanting her to stay. Ok fine, but where do I sleep? Dixie said curiously, because this has never happened to her before.

She typically just leaves right away and forgets about it. To be honest though she was happy that he wanted her to stay. You can sleep in my bed... with me, Noah said smiling so big the whole world could see. He hasn't smiled like that in a longggg time. Okay fine, but I don't feel like getting dressed. Dixie said smirking. That fine me neither, now get over here "smiles and pulls her toward him wrapping his arms around her waist. They fell asleep admiring each other and both separately thinking what they just got themselves into.

AHHHH IM SO EXCITED! I already love this story. This is my first time writing something like this so bare with me I will get better but I'm so exited. This story is going to be intense so just prepare ( I'm warning you👀) I hope you guys enjoy and I will update accidentally addicted to you later. Byeee😁
Word count: 1620

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