Chapter 15: Road Trip

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"Are you sure you want to go with me? My sisters are a lot to handle." Dixie sighed, putting her packed suitcase on the floor. This is the 10th time he's asked her if she was her about visiting his hometown with him. "Noah, baby, I'm sure. I already met your parents, it's time for your sisters too. Plus, I'm sure they'll be great."

She reassured him, planting a kiss on his cheek, then his nose, and finally finishing of with a peck on his lips. They have gotten significantly closer since their conversation last week. And although they are indeed not dating- yet at least- they sure do act like it. If it wasn't quite obvious already.

"I don't deserve you." He hummed, shrugging his broad shoulders, grabbing both of their suitcases. "Yeah you do. If anything, you deserve better than me." Dixie whispered the last part. No matter how happy Noah makes her feel, deep down, that insecurity and lack of self love always seemed to stick around.

"Don't you dare say that. If anyone here doesn't deserve someone, it's definitely me. Your absolutely fucking perfect, and I don't want to hear anything other than that." I days where Dixie doubted herself more than usual, Noah was there to pick her up, and make her feel like the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world.

She knew that if she couldn't be there for herself, Noah always would.

"Why are you so nice to me?" They stepped into the elevator. Dixie never understood what Noah saw in her. "Because. You deserve nothing less than that. Those shitheads back home who didn't know how to respect you, don't deserve you." He exclaimed, stepping out of the elevator, carrying both suitcases.

"How do you know that. How do you know that I didn't do something terrible for them to treat me that way." Noah scoffed, not even trying to believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. "I know because I know you. You think your such a terrible person. You think that something completely out of your control is your fault. You blame yourself for having fucking cancer Dixie."

He put the suitcases in the car, then proceeding to open the door for Dixie before going on the drivers side and sitting inside. "Like I said, those shitheads don't deserve you. Your way too good for them." He grabbed her hand, placing a soft lingering kiss on the back of it.

These past few months he's learned the kind of person Dixie is. How she feels about herself, and how she reacts to certain things. But he's also learned how to confront her. How to make her feel better in any situation, no matter how bad it is.

"I love you." The words shocked Noah. They had already say they're first 'I love you', but it was to put on a show. And as genuine as it was, it wasn't the real thing. But this is. "Say it again." He eyed her down, still in shock from those three words.

Dixie had told him how hard saying I love you was for her. And despite all of that, she still managed to tell him. "I love you Noah. More than I have ever loved anyone else. More than I love myself." She looked at him sincerely, love coursing through her eyes just by looking at him.

"Dixie Jane, I love you so fucking much." He said before quickly grasping his lips with hers. They both loved each other. And despite all of their win problems, and insecurities, they could still admit their love for each other. Love that's just coursing through them like it was always there.

And despite their best efforts to take things slow, somethings were just meant to be. Like their loving each other.

"You ready to have the best road-trip of your life?" He smiled as he turned on her favorite song. They were going to be spending 15 hours in a car together. "As long as I don't die." She laughed turning up the volume. "No promises." Noah winked, a laugh following quickly after.

He was going to make sure all of her doubts went away after the long hours that they are going to spend together.


"What can I get for you pretty lady." Noah joked as they pulled up to the Chick-fil-A drive through. "A spicy chicken sandwich please. Oh and waffle fries. And Chick-fil-A sauce. Thank you." Her reply was quick, causing a laugh to come out of both of their mouths.

"Thank you my love." Dixie said after getting her food. Other than Noah, Chick-fil-A was her other love. It was a love like no other. "Anything for you baby girl. Do you need anything else before I get back on in the freeway?" Her asked stopping at a red light, stealing in of her fries.

"No thank you. And stop stealing my food, you should've gotten yourself some." She moved her bag away from him. Laughing as he face formed into a pout. "I'm on a diet." He smirked, knowing Dixie loved his body. She made it very clear. On multiple occasions.

"I hate you." She said jokingly. Mostly. "No you don't, you love me." He smirked, knowing that she couldn't and would've deny that. Because as they made very clear, they do love each other. A lot. "True." She stuffed her mouth with food, not feeling a bit ashamed.

She has found herself getting more and more comfortable with Noah by the day. Food is always something she struggles with. Appearance was always taken seriously because of the people around her, and for the longest time she stopped eating.

Since then, gaining weight has been extremely heard for Dixie. Looking at food has been hard too. Sometimes the same thoughts that used to course through head still do, and it's heartbreaking. She spent most of her life living up to other's expectations. Expectations that she didn't want to, or have to meet. But yet she did. All because she wanted to feel loved.

5 months ago, Dixie was at the worst point of her life. She felt like giving up, and yet she didn't. When she met Noah that nights things changed forever. The Dixie that she gets knowing, was slowly starting to sleep away from her.

She became a better person. A happier and healthier person. Her life was turned upside down, and in the best way possible. If it wasn't for Noah, Dixie liked to think she wouldn't still be here today. And as sad as that is to think about, it's true. Dixie was drowning, in water far to deep to try to swim.

Luckily Noah jumped in that water and brought her out alive.


"You ready?" Noah gripped her hand tight as they stood in front of the door. "Yes. I am. Just don't let go." She took a deep breath, squeezing his hand as an indication to not let go.

"I would never." He kissed her cheek as the door opened. "Oh, hi babe." A girl smiled as the door opened wider. "Hi Madison." Noah said flatly. Dixie's facial expression went from a smile to a frown. Someone just called her man babe. Who the fuck was this girl.


Hi! I haven't done a cliffhanger in so long, I just had to. I hope you guys enjoyed:)
Word Count: 1247

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