Chapter 25: Mean Nothing To Me

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Dixie's POV:
My heart practically jumped out of my chest when I saw her face. And when I turned to Noah, I could tell he was as shocked and taken aback as I was. I had told him all about her, and how she treated me growing up, so just like me, he wasn't quite fond of her.

"Give us a moment." Was all Noah said before closing the door in her face. I wanted to burst out laughing at the action. "Are you okay?" He grabbed my cheeks in his hands, caressing them softly. He was comforting me, just like I was him earlier tonight.

"I-I didn't expect to see her." I was still in shock. Just seeing her face after so long brought back so many hurtful memories. Memories that I have been able to push down deep inside of me, although they still hurt.

"I mean I knew she wanted to see me again, because of her email. But I- I didn't know she would go this far. I mean, this is your apartment. How does she even know where you live." I stuttered on words, as I felt my heart beating faster.

Everything just came righting back to me so quickly, it was all becoming too much for me to handle. "Do you want me to talk to her?" He held me close to him after realizing that my stability wasn't as strong as before.

"N- no I need to solve this." I drifted away from his touch, trying to find some composure, and when I did, I finally opened the door. "My beautiful daughter." She opened up her arms, but before she could move any closer to me, I backed away.

I didn't need her filthy touch or words near me. Her presence was already too much for me to handle. "Don't you dare fucking call me that." Noah was behind me, helping my arms slightly, as if he was protecting me.

"Language young lady." I laughed slightly after she spoke. "Right because your my mother." My voice was full of sarcasm, and her expression was nothing but a blank slate.

"I told you a year ago that I didn't want to see your face again." I spoke will full hatred coursing through my veins. The only thing giving me composure was the safe feeling I had in Noah's arms.

"That was a year ago, things can change." She spoke with hope, and it was absolutely embarrassing. She thinks that after everything, she could walk back into my life as if nothing wrong had ever happened.

"Not this thing. The moment I left that disgusting house of yours, was the moment I was done with you forever. I don't need you, or your bullshit." I felt myself lean into Noah's touch some more. "I'm your Mother Dixie, you need me."

Those exact would have made me go insane if Noah wasn't here. She brought out the worst in me. "Right because I've always needed you?" I scoffed before talking again. "I've never needed you. From the moment I was a little girl to now. You can honestly go fuck yourself."

I could tell that by the second, my words were affecting her more and more. I tried to find it in me to care, and yet not a single bone in my body did. She had hurt me for such a long time, I didn't need that shit again. I finally found myself.

"But I love you honey." Honestly I wish she had just given up, because she was wasting her own energy. "And yet I don't give a shit about you." She tried walking closer, but as soon as she did, Noah pulled us farther away.

I appreciated that he stayed there for me and said nothing. He let me fight my own fight, but comforted me in the exact way I needed. It was the only thing getting me through this moment without breaking down.

"I don't know you, but get the fuck out of my apartment." She was ready to protest until I beat her to it. "He's right, get the fuck out. And don't ever come back. You are not my mother, and you mean absolutely nothing to me."

She wanted to say something else, but instead of doing so, she turned around, hopefully accepting defeat after closing the door behind her. And as soon as she did I crumbled into Noah's arms.

He had led me to the couch, holding me tight. Tears were streaming down my face, and I couldn't find it in me to stop. She had always been able to make me crumble into pieces, and as much as I don't care anymore, she still managed to do so.

"It's okay baby. She's never coming back again." He whispered to me, trying to calm me down. His touch was the only thing keeping me alive at this moment. I felt that-even in times like this when I lose myself, he could make everything better. Somehow I felt that I was capable of everything with him.

"You were strong, I'm so fucking proud of you baby girl." His words were what I needed to calm down. My heart felt as if it would beat any faster, it would rip out of my chest. I couldn't explain how I felt, because it was too much process.

All the emotions came rushing through me all at once. Everything that I had ever bottled out came oozing out of me, whether I wanted it or not. I was brought back to the time where I didn't know who I was. I remembered how it felt was I was losing myself, and my heart hurt just because of the thought.

"T-Thank you for s-staying with m-me." I had finally regained enough strength to talk. But every word only drained more energy from me. I felt as if every breath I was taking, was going to be my last.

I hated that I felt so hurt even after being done with her. She always had an effect on me, because every word that she has ever told me had only ever brought me more pain. The only thing that she's ever known to do to me, was hurt me. More and more by the day. But the second even.

"You're gonna get through this. She doesn't deserve your precious tears." He rubbed the tears off my face, brushing his fingers along my skin. The feeling brought me shivers. His touch was like a drug. A drug that I needed to survive.

"I love you so much Noah." I managed to whisper before I finally let myself relax. My body and mind were both so exhausted. I drained the life out of me. "I love you too baby girl. Always and forget." That was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a deep sleep.


DOUBLE UPDATE?!?! WHATTTTT!! Anywaysss, I hope you guys enjoyed. (As always) Honestly I got a bit emotional while writing this. Butt on an exciting note, this is the 25th chapter. (INSANE) I can't believe how fair I have made it with my book, and I am so extremely proud of it. Thank you for all you that have been voting and supporting, I love you all so much. Byeee<3
Word count: 1230

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