6. Dumbledore's office

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As I walked through the corridors to find his office, I heard a teacher telling some students something about detention, or a flying car. It was coming from a classroom ahead of me, but I just kept walking.

I heard the door open and I slammed into the boy that looked like me. As we hit heads, I saw his hair move and reveal a scar that matched mine on his forehead.

Mine was on my forehead too. My bangs had been pushed aside, to reveal it. We stared at each other's scars in shock.

The red haired Weasley boy said curiously, "Bloody hell." I just stood frozen in shock. I walked away quickly saying,"Sorry, got to get to Dumbledore's office."

"He told me to go there too, also it is this way." The green eyed boy explained.

We walked to his office together awkwardly and met Dumbledore before the ceremony. In sync, we said, "Why are we here?" We just stared at each other.

Dumbledore started talking and I zoned off until, "You may have noticed the similarity in looks and scars. I have to inform you, that you are twins. Lily and James Potter are your parents." My mouth just hung open as thoughts rushed through my mind.

But then my mum isn't my real one, and maybe she never even had a husband. Who even are Lily and James, and why didn't mum tell me? Why would she lie? My whole life is a lie. Does this explain the dreams? Tears started escaping my eyes and the boy just sat there gazing into nothing, with his mouth hanging open.

Apparently my parents were wizards and were killed by a guy who gave me my scar. He explained everything.

I heated up with anger. Why did nobody feel the need to tell me? I thought a bit, and asked, "Why didn't I start in first year?"

"We thought it would be better to give you one more year before we told you. Since we knew it was a lot for both of you." That was the stupidest reason I could think of, honestly, maybe Hogwarts just hates me.

I didn't understand how this reason even made sense and after a second of contemplation, my face boiled with anger. "HOW IS THAT A REASON? AM I SECOND BEST? WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND ME FIRST YEAR? WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME? HOW IS HE FAMOUS AND I AM NOT? THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO BOTH OF US."

Harry just stared at me; astonished for me yelling so much. Angry tears slid down my face. Dumbledore just looked up calmly and said that he would finish discussing after the ceremony, because I was going to miss it. How could he be so calm? I needed answers.

I opened the door and walked to see Harry's friends waiting for him, with surprised looks on their faces. They could definitely hear me yelling and I just walked away to the sorting.

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