ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6 - ʜᴏᴡ

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TW: swearing

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TW: swearing

"But I don't wanna - ooh, doggo! 'Mo! Doggo!"

Seungmin laughs as Felix bounces up and down in excitement. "Yes, Lixie, it's Hyunjin-Hyung's doggo. You want to play with him?"

The little nods his head earnestly. "Please please please can I play with the doggo, Jinnie?" he begs, eyes wide and sparkling at his red-clad Hyung. Hyunjin laughs and calls Kkami over, the Chihuahua more than eager to entertain the yellow.

Seungmin and Hyunjin coo at the sight - Felix seems to absolutely love Kkami, and Kkami loves the attention. Soonie, however, isn't as impressed; she mopes in the corner by the download panel, the yellow avatar running between the two icons on the screen showing that there is a download in progress.

"Aw, Soonie, do you not feel loved?" Seungmin asks, beckoning to her. "Come get some fuss."

Keen to be acknowledged by someone other than Minho or Felix, Soonie pads over and settles in the aqua's lap. She purrs slightly as he begins to stroke her head, and Hyunjin smiles.

"You really have a way with animals," he observes.

Seungmin nods. "I've always loved animals," he explains, "but my parents never let me get a pet. I'd spend a large part of my time at my cousin Daehwi's house, looking after his literal zoo of pets while he went out with his friends. Some people might have seen me as lonely but I really loved taking care of them. They made me happy."

"Wait, Daehwi?" Hyunjin says. "As in Lee Daehwi?"

"Yes?" Seungmin replies slightly uncertainly.

The red slaps a palm to his forehead. "How have we never met each other?"

Seungmin's eyes widen, prompting the older to continue.

"Daehwi and I were best friends in high school," he expands. "We'd spend so much time together, it was actually insane." Seungmin laughs at this. "We wouldn't spend that much time at his house though - he always said that his pets wouldn't like me much, so we'd go to the park, the movies, shopping... You name it, we've probably done it."

"What happened?" the aqua asks delicately. "You mentioned that you 'used to be' best friends."

Hyunjin's brow creases in - anger? Or frustration?

"Park Woojin happened," he mutters. "Daehwi and I were really close, but one day he just started spending less and less time with me, and more time with him."

Seungmin rests one of his hands on the red's in an attempt to comfort him. "Surely it's not that bad though, right?" He spots the look on Hyunjin's face and changes tack. "Or did he do something stupid?"

"They started dating!"

What? What's wrong with that?

"But it's perfectly allowed, I mean, men are allowed to date other men nowadays, the law was changed a couple of - "

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