"Goodbye Cameron"

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The final bell rang and students soon began to swarm the halls.

Thank fucking God. I cannot wait to go home, this day has been something else and I am NOT having it.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I really hope I do not run into anyone because I am absolutely beyond annoyed. I stuffed my bag with all my supplies and shut my locker. And guess who I fucking saw? Yes I know who you're thinking of and you are absolutely right, it was fucking Cameron.

"So you're coming tonight right?" He cheerfully said. "I don't know, I mean my mom is kind of sick and I'm the only one there to take care of her. Sorry." I smirked.

That was the best fucking lie I've ever told. "Later." I peeped and continued on my journey home.

As soon as I got home, I threw my bag on the floor and went straight for the fridge. "Fruit salad? I think so." I said to myself. I grabbed the fruit out of my fridge and went to the island in the middle of my kitchen. I began dicing the fruit and putting it in the bowl I had grabbed. I reached back into the fridge and grabbed my favourite vanilla yogurt and began pouring it into the bowl. I cleaned up my mess and proceeded with my bowl up to my room. I put on American Horror Story and began to watch, it was only twenty minutes until I dozed off.
OH SHIT THE PARTY. I quickly checked all over my bed looking for my phone. It read 8:24 P.M and 7 missed calls from Sarah. But I ignored them.
But wait, that's right, I'm not even going..
I realized I was still in the clothes I went to school in. I went over to my dresser and stripped out of my clothes, and put on my favourite joggers (yes, without my briefs on) and left my shirt off.

What is there really to do on a Monday night? So I decided to resume where I left off in American Horror Story. Coming up to the end of the episode I heard a knock at the door. I was kind of scared, what can I say I'm a scaredy cat? And I did just watch AHS, give me a break. I quickly shuffled along the carpet and got to the door but hesitated to open it. "Suck it up" I told myself and opened the door.

To my surprise it was Cameron.

"Uh, hi?" I said.
"Aren't you coming?"
"Cameron I told you, I can't." I tried to sound bad, even though I could honestly care less.
"Mmhmmm" he croaked.
"Goodbye Cameron." I said as I began to shut the door.

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