The Beginning

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The warning bell echoed throughout the hall, and that was all it took to send me off to class. I grabbed all of my books and slammed my locker shut behind me. "Etienne! Etienne wait!" I looked behind me and saw my friend Sarah running after me. "We both have Mr. Grant first period for math, and I thought we could walk with each other" she said as a smile stretched across her pale skin. "Of Course!" I said cheerfully, although I don't know why I was so cheerful, it was the first day of school..

We got into the first class of the day and my mood instantly dropped. All I could think of was what I had brought for lunch, time seemed to pass by very slow. Oh how I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into my Parmesan Chicken, that juicy, steaming, delightfu- I was suddenly ripped from my day dream when Sarah kept tapping on my shoulder, I gave her a dirty look and very quietly said, "what?!" She was very quickly to respond, "Did you hear about the new boy?" New boy? Is that so? Nobody new has ever stepped into Jefferson High for as long as I can remember. But before I had a chance to respond the bell rang once again sending echoes through the hall.


It was now time for lunch. I was soooo excited to finally get that rich taste of chicken all over my taste buds. I was once again disturbed from enjoying my chicken when I heard all this chitter chattering around me, being the news bag I am I immediately poked my head up to look around. "What's going on?" I say very hesitant to Sarah. "He's here! It's the new kid!" Sarah began.

"I believe his name is Cameron!" Another girl interrupted.

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