Chapter 14 (POV)

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Kendall's POV

Last night was a blast. We had another traditional party that my family always does ever since we were  young. It's a tradition in the family to always have the greatest Christmas Eve party.

Kourtney took over the party this time. My mom couldn't be more prouder at the beautiful party her first born organized. I can't deny, I was so proud and happy for Kourtney too.

Now, almost ten in the morning, we're all gathered at Kourtney's to have breakfast together and Ofcourse, so we could open gifts!

I always love waking up on the twenty-fifth. I love watching my nieces and nephews open my gifts and my sisters, Rob and mom too.

While we were eating our breakfast, my phone buzzed for the first time this morning. I put the fork down and grab my phone off the table.

I see a notification, a message from Harry.

I suddenly couldn't take the smile off of my face.

Harry and I reconnected as soon as we had dinner that night he asked me. It was just so nice to catch up with him and talk about a lot of things.

After that night, he drove me back to my house. I also invited him in and he stayed for about two more hours before he had to go. That two hours felt like days. It was just us drinking for a little while and me giving him a taste test of my secret project, my eight-one-eight tequila. Just like what I hoped for, he liked it.

After that, Harry always texted me until he asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him.

At first, I didn't want to say yes but I did. Simply because I was scared that it's just gonna south again but then I remembered, there's nothing wrong in spending time with him. I don't know what happened but after that day, I just realize that my feelings are still there.

and then we texted each other, almost all the time. He called me last night to wish me a happy holidays and it made me sad because I know he's back in England at his hometown but it makes me happy also to know that he's spending Christmas with his family.

I unlock my phone and read the text.

My dearest Kendall.

Merry Christmas. I have to say, you're one of the greatest gifts I received this time. I didn't really see this coming. Nobody did. I just wanted to tell you that I would love to come back on the 27th to spend the remaining days of this year with you.

I felt my heart race as I read the text over and over again.

"What are you smiling about Ms. Kendall Jenner?" Khloe suddenly asks making me jump a little. I shake my head and putting my phone down on my lap.

"Nothing." I say smiling back at her and she rolls her eyes as she wipes True's mouth.

"Oh come on, we all know it's Harold." Kylie interferes and I felt my cheeks turn red.

"See! It's okay kenny, we get it." Kylie continues and everyone laughs. I shake my head and looked back down to my phone trying to think of a reply.

I finally did.

I would love to. I'll see u in two days! xx

I tap the send button and watch as it says 'delivered' before putting my phone down. I can't wait for Tuesday to come.

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