Chapter 40 (POV)

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Kendall's POV

"Thank you guys, you're always there for me." I say offering a small smile to my friends.

"Now come on, why wouldn't we be here. We're family and we always take care of each other." Jaden says giving me a look snd I nod my head.

"What really happened ken?" Fai asks and I sigh taking another sip of my margarita. I put down my glass before leaning back on the couch.

"I was just going to see him. That was just my main goal that day. I even bought his favorite food so we both can have a good time also while it lasts. When I came there, I just saw him kissing Olivia." I mumble, not really wanting to explain but my friends deserves to know since they took time to be with me today.

"Holy fuck, I didn't know Harry can do that." It was now Justine speaking. I nod my head, I didn't really see it coming.

When I ran away that day, I just bursted into tears right away. I was driving myself home with my eyes blurry, I had to stop on the sidewalk and just continued crying. I had been hurt so badly. I didn't really understand why it happened.

Harry had called me hundreds of times and I just ignored it. He messages me every single time now and he even came up to my front but I didn't want to see him.

I just wanted to be alone, so I could think and think and think. I didn't want to face him because I would just cry more. I hate it that even after what I have witnessed, I still missed him.

"Hey guys!" I looked up and my eyes widen. It's Ben.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" I ask him, a little confused as why he is here.

He laughs and sat next to Jaden as it was the only available space.

"I was here with some of my friends but I told them I wanted to hangout with you guys knowing I haven't seen you in almost a year." He says with the huge smile on his face. Wince.

"Not really the time to be here Ben." Justine mutters and I look at her and gave her a nod that its okay.

"So what are we talking about?" He asks, leaning in closer and I sigh shaking my head.

"Nothing really." I lie, and then suddenly a fist flew contacting Ben's face.

I had realized that the man hovering over him was Harry. He just punched Ben in the face!

"Harry! What the hell! Stop it!" I shout and he finally looks up to me.

"We need to talk." He said and I scoff. Who is he to tell me that? I'm not gonna do whatever he pleases.

"No! Just leave us alone!" I yell at him. He looks taken aback but it looks like he's not taking a No for an answer.

He comes closer to me and grabs my wrist, it was still gentle and he manages to get me off the couch and to another place.

"Harry just please let go. I don't want to talk to you." I tried to take my wrist off but he wasn't gonna budge. Atleast I tried.

"We have to talk. Please, we need to talk." He says as he lead me inside another room. It was one of the VIP lounges just like the one I was at with my friends. This time it was just the two of us.

He closes the door and finally lets go of me. I quickly move away from him and sat down on the couch. I hear him sigh and he follows, sitting across from me.

"Kendall." He starts but sighs again. I shake my head as I felt the lump on my throat.

"Why did you do that?"

"I know for a fact that he's been following you around like a fucking stalker. I had to and have been meaning to punch—-"

"No, why did you hurt me?" I cut him off and he falls silent.

His head drops down. I can feel the tears streaming down my face. I can feel my heart beating so hard and my hands shaking. I feel every bit of my energy slowly falling off of my body. All the strength I've been building to keep my head high are now gone.

He finally looks up and his face falls as soon as he sees me.

"Oh Kendall, baby." His face softens, he quickly got up and sat next to me while wrapping his arms around me. I tried to push him away but he only tightens his embrace and I don't have that energy to fight him anymore.

"I just wanted us to work. Every time you find another way to hurt me. I trusted you. I supported you. I love you! All these months we've been together, was it even real Harry?" Sobbing, I wasn't gonna keep my mouth shut even though I barely spoke a word clear. I just feel hurt in all possible way and all I did was love him.

"Kendall... I-I wasn't trying to cheat on you." He stammers and I can feel something dripping onto my shoulder. He was also crying.

"Then what was that exactly!" I shout, enraged because I don't know if he's telling the truth or just covering up how fucked up he was and what he did to me.

"Kendall baby, darling listen to me..." He pleads and he lifts my chin up to look at him. His glowing eyes before is all dark now. The green irises are nowhere to be found.

He wipes the tears off of my face. His hand shakes as he brushes my wet hair out of my face before he shuts his eyes.

He opens them again and he pulls away from me.

"I wasn't cheating but I know what happened counts as one. It was a long day and I haven't been able to rest for weeks. Weeks that I haven't seen you was the worst time of my life. I was so head strong to finish last week because I had planned to come see you. I don't know what happened, how it started but all I remember was that I fell asleep on the couch. I don't know how Olivia managed to get on top of me but I swear I was dreaming of you and I thought it was you who was kissing me. I didn't bother to open my eyes. I was so caught up at the thought of you that you were there. I didn't realize what was happening until you saw me." He manages to finish talking before taking a deep breath and sighing.

"But that's not an exception Harry. You would've known it wasn't me because you know who I am and how I am every time I kiss you! Every time we made love! You would know!" I cry at him, even hurting me more.

How did he not realize that it wasn't me when we've been together for a long time even before! This just hurts me to know that he doesn't really know my differences from the others.

"I-Im sorry baby... I really don't know." He stutters running a hand through his hair and rubbing his face. He's frustrated with himself, I know that but what about me?

"I should leave. Please don't follow me Harry. I just need to be alone." I stand up before I could walk, Harry grabs my hand again.

"Please Kendall, give me another chance. Another chance to prove you that I love you and that I am sorry for what I have done. Call me soon please." He begs before letting my hand go. I just took a deep breath before wiping my tears away and going for the door.

As soon as I got out of the room, I burst into tears again. I ran up back to my friends and there I was broken.

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