Chapter 17

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I woke up early on Wednesday, somehow having switched positions with Blake so my head was on her chest instead of hers on mine. I slowly moved back, afraid I might be squishing her a bit, though I missed the softness of her breasts immediately. She looked beautifully peaceful in her sleep, her hair a mess on the pillow and her soft snores making me smile.

It would be wrong of me to wake her the way she had tried to wake me, right? I mean, I couldn't just straddle her, I'd probably crush her in her sleep. But I could probably tease her a bit. See how long it took to wake her up. She did say that I could have her any time, and the last few days had made me very eager to take her up on that offer. Well, here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

I slipped under the sheets, lifting them a little so that I didn't get caught in them as Blake did the other morning. I slowly slid down to her waist, and carefully lifted the bottom of her shirt, exposing her belly. I kissed her gently, trying not to wake her but feeling how soft her skin was under my tongue. This was more exciting than I had planned for and I tried not to move to fast in response. I could see her shifting a bit, and I stopped. When she was settled again, I went back to my tongue, slowly moving down past the lacy panties she had worn to bed. My tongue made circles on her hip, and I heard a soft sigh come from her, though from under the sheets I couldn't see anything. Growing bolder, I moved my tongue in a trail over her thighs, wondering how close I could get her while she slept. I moved my hand up to her ribs and slowly ran my nails down them.

The next few moments were a blur, with my head rocked to the side and pain exploding in my face. I rolled over under the sheets, getting tangled as my hands covered my nose, which seemed to be fountaining blood.

"Ethan? Ethan!" I heard Blake yell as she tried to untangle me. "Are you all right?"

"I don't know." I responded through the pain. I knew I was bleeding, but I didn't know how bad it was.

Blake finally got all the sheets off me and leaned back in shock. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry. Let me get some towels!"

She dashed off to the bathroom and came back with a bundle of towels. She helped me lift my head to put one underneath it, and then put some damp ones on my nose. "I can't believe I did that! I'm so sorry! I'm just so ticklish!" she groaned.

I couldn't help but laugh, though it hurt so much. "If I spend much more time with you, I'll end up with higher insurance premiums."

She smiled in reply, but I knew she was going to beat herself up about it.

"Blake, its fine. I was trying to be sexy and evidently I'm out of practice," I told her. "Don't be upset at yourself, you couldn't have known."

"You were trying to be sexy?" she asked cautiously.

"Well, you tried that the other day, I thought I should try too."

"And just what were you doing down there?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Ummm... can I plead the 5th now?" I could feel my face burning, though how I had enough blood to be blushing and bleeding at the same time I didn't know.

"If my knee hit your face, it must have been pretty low," she said, obviously trying to piece together how it happened. It was like watching an episode of CSI in the Bedroom. She ran her fingers over her hip and felt the remains of the trail of saliva my tongue had made, and she looked up at me with a shocked expression. "You're a naughty boy!" she said, her face transforming into a smile.

"Okay, stop making me blush, it hurts too much!" I begged her. "Can we just pretend it never happened?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to be fantasizing about that for years!"

"I think we have a misunderstanding about the whole no more blushing thing." I whined. "And fantasizing about kneeing me in the nose doesn't sound very hot!"

She lay down beside me in the crook of my arm while draping her arm over me and holding me tight. "I'm sorry Ethan, I didn't mean to hurt you more."

"Maybe we should just both be awake next time," I suggested. "Although, just holding you like this is nice too."

She settled in and sighed. "Are we just forcing this?"

"Us? This relationship?"

"Yeah." She said quietly. "I've been thinking about this every day since I met you. Maybe I'm just forcing myself on you."

"Blake, I may not have been thinking about it every day for as long as you have. But I can definitely say I've been thinking about it since I ran into you again. Maybe we take it slow, but I don't think we're forcing it. Teasing isn't necessarily a bad thing, and maybe we'll have some time to see what happens on the way back."

"I don't want to go back," she complained.

"Neither do I. But I think I need to continue seeing the doc, and we do have to work for a living."

 "I think the doc has helped a lot so far. I hope this trip has been good for you," she said, looking up at me.

"She has, but I still have to work through my dad with her." I said, breathing deeply. I wasn't looking forward to that topic. "But this trip has made me feel great, and you're a huge part of that too." I smiled back at her.

She reached up and touched my nose. "Is it feeling any better?"

"It is. I think it stopped bleeding, but I probably need a shower to get the blood off me."

"Well get in there slowpoke! We have places to go!" she said with a finger jabbing me in the ribs.

"We have time, checkout isn't for a few hours." I complained. Truthfully though, a shower would feel good, I could feel the blood drying on my face and it wasn't pleasant.

The water was nice and hot, and I just stood under it for a few minutes before I heard a slight knock on the door. "Ethan? You ok?" I heard Blake call out softly.

"Yeah, much better, thanks." I said through the water.

I heard the shower curtain rustling and turned to see a naked Blake stepping into the shower. "Room for one more?" she asked with a grin.

I stood there, mute, trying to come up with a response. She stepped forward into the water with me, and took the soap from my hand, staring into my eyes. She slowly used it to lather herself up as I gazed at every inch of her body. She turned slowly, letting me see the suds dripping down every curve and crevice, until I was almost drooling. If she had dropped the soap it would have been too much, but she took pity on me.

She handed me back the soap, glancing down and smirking at my body's reaction to her. "Nice to see you too," she whispered.

I reached out a hand, but she took it lightly and stepped back. "Ethan, I'm going to dry off, and then I'm going to get into the bed again. When you get out, I'd like you to show me what you were going to do to me in bed earlier. Can you do that?"

I just nodded dumbly. I think she cast some sort of a magic spell; it was the only explanation. That or blood loss.

She stepped out of the shower and I heard a giggle while she dried off.

A slow smile spread over my face as I finished washing up. I really didn't deserve this girl in my life, but I wasn't going to let her go easily.

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