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DREAM tapped his fingers on the surface of his kitchen counter, checking social media for anything 'interesting'. he wasn't big on this type of thing, but it was funny to watch people get cancelled for little things. dream chuckled at a tweet that appeared on his timeline, something about a minecraft youtuber being cancelled for something to do with sexist remarks? it was paired with the hashtag, #SchlattIsOverParty. It was strange, but he shrugged it off and switched off his phone and to the other side of the kitchen to microwave a snack, just something to much on atleast.

almost immediately, his phone dinged again, making him drag his body from the other side of the kitchen to check his notifications.

BBH (babyboyhalo/badbartenderhalo)

I'm off work! :D
i'm just at the alleyway type thing near the casino???

i know where you are :)
I'll pick you up now, okay?

okay! see you there ^_^


dream switched off his phone, stuffing it in his pocket before quickly looking at himself in the mirror, (to make sure he didn't look like dog water or something, you never know) and walking out the door, pulling the doorknob shut and locking it.

the car ride wasn't long, maybe around 10 minutes or so. The casino was never far away, which was good for dream, and also kind of fuelled his gambling addiction more— but that's not the point. he hummed to the songs playing from his radio, simply putting on some jazz and bopping his head to the beat.

soon enough, he was there. flawlessly opening the car door and letting himself out, he met up with bad, who was currently waving at him slightly, giving him a nervous smile. "hi!" bad greeted him, dream simply smiling back and walking him over to his car, "ladies— ahem, men, first." dream stuttered, faking a bow and opening the passenger seat door to let bad inside. his car had a sleek, posh design, being red with leather seats. the roof could come off with a button that was near the ceiling of the vehicle.

"you have a nice car, dream." bad complimented, looking around the front of the car, "thanks." dream simply responded, getting in the drivers seat and riling up the engine. "we're going to this cafe, right? i don't think i've seen a cafe around here before." bad said, looking at dream while he instead just looked at him through the corner of his eye, his head still faced to the road.

"so, bad, is your name, like, actually badboyhalo or is it a nickname?" dream asked, lifting one hand off the steering wheel to emphasise his rambling. "oh- no! my name isn't actually bad, but it is what i prefer, heh." bad stated, crossing his arms for comfort as he continued to stare at the road through the front mirror. "cool, cool." dream said blankly, spacing out slightly—

"FUCK-" dream shouted, quickly swerving his car back on the road, about to hit a tree. "First of all, language, second of all- WHAT??" bad raised his voice, not in a mean tone, just slightly shouting. "I spaced out, okay?!" Dream tried to reason, wheezing at his own mistake. "I don't know about you, Mr. Clay, but this isn't a very good first impression so far." Bad teased, giggling slightly at the words.

a couple minutes later, they were at the cafe and they both got out of the car. walking inside the entrance of the cafe. dream asked a lady which seemed like a waitress for a table, and they sat near a window on a circle table, (romantic, i know).

"y'know bad, you seem a lot more simp-y than usual. are you just excited to finally be on a date with the amazing dream?" dream joked, putting his head down to let out a laugh, "i'd say you've been quite the simp today. setting up a coffee date, flirting with the casino bartender—"

"oh, come on now, don't throw me under the bus, bad." dream teased, flicking bads nose up, making his face flush and tighten his hoodie strings. dream was a charmer, for sure. "well, hello you too! what drinks would you like?" a waitress with brown hair tied in a bun came over to the two, holding a small tablet, probably to list down what they want. "Can i have black coffee, please?" dream says, for some reason putting his hand up slightly. "Same for me please." bad speaks, his voice quieter and slightly more nervous than dreams.


"thank you for the coffee, dream." bad said, slightly squeezing dreams hand as they walked down the pavement. it was around 9:00 PM now, and dream was walking bad across the road to his house, since he decided to park two blocks away from his actual house. "no problem." dream grinned, looking down at bad before looking back forward.

"ah- we're here!" bad pointed at his house, now speed-walking to his home. dream followed after him, being dragged by bbh. "okay, well- I'll text..you?" dream rubbed the back of his neck, waving bad off before walking away. "okay- bye!"

bad shut he door, sighing and walking up the stairs to his bedroom. his house wasn't exactly big but it wasn't small, either. it was just a simple 2 story 1 bedroom house, cozy enough to fit him. bad dropped himself into bed, putting his hand to his face and smiling idiotically.

maybe- maybe we can do this again.

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