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Skeppy! :D



skeppyyy :(


skeppy help i think

i might be

liking the dream guy?? O.o

like the one that keeps flirting with you???
not surprised tbh

skeppy hhhhh

hes really cute and he laughs funnily >.<
we went to get coffee together


you are pining SO HARD

that's the problem you muffin head

bad really do be gay panicking


AS MUCH AS Bad didn't want to admit it, he was infact, gay panicking. It was like, 3 am and he was thinking about some guy that he went on ONE date with. Bad covered his face with his palms, internally screaming at himself, if he could swear right now, he would. He sighed, pushing the covers off his body and getting out of bed, maybe I just need water, or something. Bad walked to the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror, he poked his horns slightly, before splashing some water on his face, rubbing it slightly before blinking at his reflection and turning back out of the bathroom.

that did not help at all.

if anything, it just made him more aware of his stupid feelings, did it just happen today or was it just repressed feelings that have now exploded into a mess of panic and homosexuality? he didn't know no, he didn't even want to know the answer. if it was the first option, then he develops feelings stupidly quick. if it was the second option, then why did he repress those feelings? questions turns into questions and slow breathing became quicker and a slight headache became booming and-

the sun was rising.

bad sighed and opened up his phone, scrolling through his contacts, dream. he dialled his number and waited,

ring, ring, ri-

"morning, bad." dream yawned through the phone, his morning voice evident. "oh— hello!" bad cleared his throat, wait, why did he call dream again?- "have you slept?" dream asked, his voice quieter and more lazy. "yeah," no. "how about you?" "mm— yeah, a bit. so, why did you call me? did you miss me?" dream continued, dragging out the 'e'. bad zoned out, staring at his window, the sun tinted in warm colours and brightness.

"bad?" dream called out his name, making him focus back onto the call "ah- sorry. tired, that's all." "it's cool, don't worry." bad could hear rustling from the other side of the phone, probably dream getting out of bed or something. "anyways, as i was saying, why did you call me?" he asked, his voice sounding like it's now farer away from his phone. oh no- why did he even call him??? "well- i- uh-" crap crap c- "i wanted to um- schedule another hang out?-" oh. oh no. "oh. cool. i'm free next week, if you want to hang then, man." dreams voice came closer to the phone again, he most likely picked it up. "yeah i'm free next week, hah- how about..ssssaturday?" "okay, see you then."



Dream (muffinhead 2.0)

cant wait :] <3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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