Oh shit. He's back.

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Diablo POV


Monokuma: Ahem! Hope's academy school field trip commitee has an announcement to make.

Ibuki: Good morning! Looks like today's gonna be another perfect tropical day!

Diablo: ....gnee....huh?..I...buki?

Ibuki: Come on! I wanted a more extreme reaction! That one's boooooriing!

I finally decided to wake up and then understood the situation.

Diablo:....Wait...IBUKI!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?

Ibuki: There we go! You jumped out of the bed! A way better reaction than tired Diablo's.

Diablo: How the hell did you get in here!?

Ibuki: Geez Diablo, you're so careless.

Diablo: Careless? I locked the door last night!

Ibuki: And I destroyed that worthless lock!

Diablo:... Ibuki why?

Ibuki: Meh, who cares? More importantly, I need to tell you something!


Ibuki: Heh heh heh... 4"hehs"

Diablo: That was 3 hehs, not including the one after "4."

Ibuki: Aaarrgh! If you have time to nitpick others, then you have time to hurry up to the restaurant! I'll explain the details there, so hurry up, cutie.


Diablo: Ow!

Ibuki smacked my butt and walked out the door. But why did she summon me to the restaurant? This better be good...

Timeskip 3rd POV

Fuyuhiko: I got something I wanna say! 

Hajime: Fuyuhiko, is it ok for you to move around like this so soon!?

Mikan: Uh... He shouldn't be ok.

Fuyuhiko: Whatever I say at this point, I apologize in advance if I make a mistake!

Diablo: I wake up to this?

Fu-yu-hi-ko: My last name is Kuzuryu! My first name is pronounced, "Fu-yu-hi-ko!" I'm still an inexperienced member of my family's business! From this point forward, I hope we get along so we can get to know each other better!

Nagito: Did someone say-

Hajime: No.

Gundham: Just....what the hell was that?

Fuyuhiko: N-Nothing....just a greeting.

Kazuichi: Oh, that eyepatch of yours.

Cyclops: Oh, it's nothing.

Mikan: There's no way it's nothing, since... your eye has no more...

Nekomaru: So you can't see out of it, huh....

Fuyuhiko: Heh, it's only one eye. Besides, don't I look like a badass with it?

Diablo: You look like a pirate.

Yo ho ho:...A badass pirate?

Diablo: No.

Hiyoko: Don't act all cool and stuff! Remember the position you're in? Do you really think we'll forgive you so easily for what you've done?! Don't you get it? It's your fault Mahiru is dead. No, not just that. Peko also died because of you, too! You even threatened Diablo to frame me! So he's also mad at you, right Diablo?

Diablo: Hey man, I'm just trying to eat here. Please don't drag me into your drama.

Hiyoko: But he forced you to help him!

Diablo: And I set up a trap for him, so I got my payback.

 Hiyoko: Whatever, It's all your fault, Fuyuhiko!

Sonia: Hiyoko.... we've finally been able to reunite with everyone...

Hiyoko: So what? You better not say we're friends with this killer!

Fuyuhiko:...Yeah, you're right. It's all my fault. I already know...that it's my fault.....those 2 are dead.

Hiyoko: Are you gonna give us your so what attitude?

Mike Wazowski: No... it's not that...

After he squeezed out those words, Fuyuhiko fell to the ground in a bowing position.

Hajime: F-Fuyuhiko!?

Smelly child: Huh? What the heck? Don't mess with me! Do you really think we'll forgive if you drop to your knees and weep!?

Plankton: No, I don't think that at all.

After Fuyuhiko said that, a pool of blood grew around him.


Mikan: Haaaaaaaaaaaaah! Fuyuhiko has slit his own stomach!

Hajime: Huh?

My main goal is blow up: Whaaaaaaaaat! Are you sayin' he cut open his own friggin' stomach!?

Diablo: How?! We didn't see a knife! Or a sword! Or any sharp object!

Hiyoko: Wh-What........? What are you doing?

Fuyuhiko: I-I didn't think...I'd be forgiven with such a....half assed apology....... But....if I don't do this....m-my feelings...won't feel resolved....! 

Jurassic shit: You fool! That doesn't mean you should slice your stomach!

Diablo: Was it in his legs or something?

Mikan: We should get him to a hospital!

Nekomaru: Kazuichi! Lend me a hand!

Kazitcy: R-Right!

Male Leela: Stop it...........! I can...............walk there myself!

Mikan: There's no way you can walk! Even though I took the time to patch you up, now I need to sew your wounds up all over again!

Fuyuhiko: Tch....I feel so ashamed... In the end...I made trouble for everyone again....

Diablo: You think he planted it in the floor before time?

Mikan: Who cares about that!? Let's go!

Some people carried Fuyuhiko to the hospital, as for the rest of them...


Chiaki: Hey Hiyoko, I've been thinking about this for a while but... What would Mahiru say about all this? I know you guys were best friends so what do you think?

Hiyoko: What would Mahiru say?

Hiyoko looked at her demoni- I mean memorial for Mahiru.

Hiyoko: What would Mahiru say...? She'd probably get mad...really mad. And then....

Hiyoko didn't finish her answer.

Chiaki: Diablo, you and Mahiru were close too, right? What do you think she would say?

Diablo:.... Probably something like "Hiyoko you bitch!"

Chiaki: ...Somehow I knew you'd say something like that.

Diablo: More importantly, where's Akane?

Nagito: Huh, it is weird that she isn't here

Hajime: I hope she sin't planning something stupid.

Nagito: Did someone say-

Hajime: No.

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