Preview of ending!

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(okay so, this is a preview of the ending of Rachel's story and I just wanna give you all a spoiler warning!)

*Rachel was standing nervously in front of her home feeling anxious*

Dylan: Rachel? is there something wrong?

Rachel: I always knew the home I lived in but I can't live my life without you!

Dylan: I know rach, but you have your place and I have mine, so you can go back home and live your life as a princess and find your brother

*Dylan said while holding Rachel's hands*

Rachel:...Dylan I'm scared!

*Rachel confessed hugging Dylan tightly*

Dylan: I know Rachel, but you have to be brave, I'll always keep in touch with you...

Rachel: y- *sniffles* you promise?

Dylan: I promise...

*Rachel smiled warmly before walking towards vibe city but then runs back and kisses Dylan one last time*

Rachel: *pulls away from the kiss* goodbye Dylan...

Dylan: goodbye Rachel...

*end of the preview*

(yep! the Uni-human I mentioned in my last chapter has an official name!)

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