My little pony and trolls Theory

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Alright now, remember when I posted an announcement about whether or not pinkie pie and poppy could be related?

well I've thought about this theory that played out in my head and here it is

*insert dramatic music*

So in order to state the fact that pinkie pie and poppy are whether or not siblings we'll need to trace back their family roots dating back to when trolls and ponies were once allies living under the rule of the past pop trolls and the ruler of the ponies, Enter Queen Cira (AKA: Princess Celestia and princess luna's great-great-grandmother), and king peppy's great-great-grandfather; King Loppy, both were allies for centuries to come and not long after Queen Cira started falling for Loppy and therefore gotten married and had a troll son named Lappy but that's when something happened it started to occur After Queen Cira gave birth to Lappy she started feeling ill causing her to pass away with her husband loppy

Now with Pappy, all on his own, Fights and riots started to break out causing the trolls and the ponies to no longer be allies so the ponies left to a prairie

 Enter the Events of hearth's warming eve the pony races were separate at the time and never got along and that's when their leaders, Commander hurricane, Princess Platinum and Chancellor puddinghead decided to go find their own lands

Commander hurricane went with Private pantsy, Princess Platinum went with clover the clever and Chancellor puddinghead with smart cookie

And when they all found the same land they argued and that's when the windigos started forming, they were chased in a cave and with the fighting, the leaders froze only leaving Private pantsy, smart cookie and clover the clever starting to freeze, that's when they all started telling stories and saying how much they like each other and when they froze clover the clever's horn blasted magic unfreezing herself, private pantsy and smart cookie and then the flames formed into what's known as "The Friendship Fire" and it was made due to them joining together in friendship, and you know what happens next, so where does this fit the fact that pinkie and poppy are siblings well here's the thing Chancellor puddinghead fell in love with a troll they got married and had Pinkie's Grandmother; Polly and Polly fell in love with a troll and had Poppy And Pinkie Pie's Mom; Orchid who was a pony and Who did Orchid marry? That's right KING PEPPY!

And that where I summarize it all you see if you put it like this Orchid actually had two children the first one was Pinkie Pie who was a pony and the second was Poppy who was a troll to which she died after giving birth to leading to peppy giving pinkie pie to the rock family TO WHICH MIGHT I ADD DON'T EVEN LOOK LIKE THEY COULD BE PINKIE PIE'S REAL PARENTS I MEAN LOOK AT PINKIE WHEN SHE WAS A FOAL AND THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE ROCK FAMILY THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE PINKIE AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And This is where it gets Good! ya see Branch and Poppy are Both in love with the chance of them havin' a baby could mean pinkie pie could be an Aunt But it already looks like pinkie beat her to it 'Cause in the final and last episode of MLP What do We see in the future? Pinkie Pie With a Foal of her own! and that's where I leave it at that! Pinkie pie has a Troll sister who's an aunt to her future kid!! but wait a minute If Pinkie married cheese sandwich in the future wouldn't that made cheese sandwich Poppy's Brother-in-law? I dunno But just remember this isn't canon it's just a theory

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