Preview of a scene

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Now I have made a scene that will be in Trolls: An Ali-human's way home, and I dreamt of it after I watched an episode of "Spirit: Riding Free" (Do you guys still watch that show? I do, 'cause it gives me inspiration for Scenes for the book)

And also Spoiler warning! If you are wanting to read the book but not want any spoilers then skip this chapter

*Here is the scene*

*Poppy and the Ali-human rode into a town where they were going to find some help*

Poppy: It's okay girl, I'm just gonna go find some help

*Poppy reassured the young creature when it whined worriedly*

Poppy: now, stay close to me I don't want any bandits to see you

*Then as poppy and the small creature were looking in an alley something was approaching them*

Ali-human: *Sniffs the air and then vanishes*

Poppy: Huh? Where'd she go?

???: Well well well, lookie who we have here

*Poppy gasped and turned around to see two figures standing over her*

Poppy: Oh thank goodness does any of you know where I can find some help, my friends and I are lost and we were wondering if you'd know where a sheriff was?

??? #2: Oh don't you fret lil' missy, we'll take you to our sheriff alright, but you will give us something that we want

Poppy: what's that?

??? #2: that lil' critter you walked in with

Poppy: Oh! uh, I don't think I had a creature with me


???: We know you have that critter and you will tell us where it is now

Poppy: Wait a minute, *Gasps* Y-you're b-b-b BANDITS!!!!!!!!!

Bandit #2: Well you figured it out darlin' now where is the girl?

Poppy: Uh um I uh

*Then the ali-human appeared out of nowhere and starts snarling at the bandits*

Poppy: Ohh that critter?

Bandit #2: Well I'll be, that is a mighty tough critter you got, TIE IT UP!

*Then other bandits with their leader came in and threw ropes around the Ali-human while it started neighing and kicking*

Poppy: NO! Leave her alone!

Bandit Leader: Leave the animal, she's too wild, I'll handle the girl

*Then the bandit leader grabbed poppy by one of her wrists to prevent her from running, while the other bandit tied the Ali-human's rope to a wooden pole*

Poppy: NO! NO! Stop! Let me Go!

Bandit Leader: SHUT UP!

*The leader snapped before tying her wrists up behind her back, and also tying her ankles together*

Poppy: You're gonna be SO Sorry when my boyfriend finds you, he's gonna come and find me!

Bandit leader: Not unless we keep your purdy lil' mouth shut

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